Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
The Bentley is the factory manual for all Volkswagens and Audis. Period.

You go to a service department at the dealership and look on their shelves, that's what's there. Fact.

Now, if we're talking hypothetical here, and we're to assume that BMW (or Porsche, or whomever) contracted someone else to do their factory-issued workshop manuals and they use some other system than Bentley as the official factory documentation, then yes, you're correct, that would not be adequate in a protest or compliance situation, no more than a cheesy Chilton's would be for a Golf GTi.

But factory is factory; for VWoA, that means Robert Bentley Publications.

Here's the rub... If you go to the dealer and try to purchase what they have on their shelf, it's not for sale. Only the Bentley manual is sold by the parts department. Now, some disgrutled former employees have stolen what's not for sale and made illegal copies that are for sale on e-bay. Furthermore, there are some factory performed repairs that are not noted even in these dealer only documentation. This knowledge is retained by regional service advisors. I'd rather not break copywrite laws to satisfy some compition spec.