Registration now open for the I.T.SPEC*tacular

2 months to go and we already have 19 entries.:023:

All I.T.classes are represented except for ITR. Where are you Dan Jones. :D

Hi everyone,

Garages are still available. 22 entries in the books. :023: Remember you can registrar at motorsportsreg and not pay for the entry till later!

Best Regards,

2 months to go and we already have 19 entries.:023:

All I.T.classes are represented except for ITR. Where are you Dan Jones. :D


I'm right here Todd. I haven't forgot about you.:) From what I understand Ken Martin in his very fast and well parpered RSX will also be signing up. We have been keeping in touch via email. I let you down the last 3 years by purely accident, that's why I don't want to enter to soon. It seems that if I do enter early I jinx myself.:(
I'm right here Todd. I haven't forgot about you.:) From what I understand Ken Martin in his very fast and well parpered RSX will also be signing up. We have been keeping in touch via email. I let you down the last 3 years by purely accident, that's why I don't want to enter to soon. It seems that if I do enter early I jinx myself.:(

Cool. :023: For added incentive Kip Van Steenburg has registered with his Porsche 944s2.
Lets go guys, it's getting to be that time to register!
And if people see YOU register, they are more likely to do so themselves.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif]Just 4 weeks to the 4th edition of the I.T.SPEC*tacular to go! If your planning on attending now is the time to show your hand and enter. We still have a few garages available so go to and register
Getting more positive on entries. Closing in on 70 and hope to surpass that today.

I'll go make my round of the paddock at Gingerman over the weekend and do some more promoting.

Since I'm registered in STU...

Am I reading the GCR correctly that an IT car can run ST in it's IT trim with no additional ST requirements? And conversely, it has to be in legal IT trim, you can't pick and choose between IT and ST rules right?
Since I'm registered in STU...

Am I reading the GCR correctly that an IT car can run ST in it's IT trim with no additional ST requirements? And conversely, it has to be in legal IT trim, you can't pick and choose between IT and ST rules right?


That is correct. So you are automatically in a national class. The only thing that decides STU and STO is the size of the motor.

Wow numbers look light. Are there more people coming that haven't signed up yet?

Come on people this is a great event with lots of track time!
I entered a few days ago. Kudos to the track time.
So far it looks like 12 in ITA. I believe last year we had something like 24 in ITA? Correct me if Im wrong.
There is always someone to run with no matter what the speed of your car.
I entered a few days ago. Kudos to the track time.
So far it looks like 12 in ITA. I believe last year we had something like 24 in ITA? Correct me if Im wrong.
There is always someone to run with no matter what the speed of your car.

Actually the number was 26 ITA. And yes the numbers are light this close to the event. But have now fear the show will go on.

Chris, call the Waterford Hill gang and see who else is coming besides Mrs.924. Had a verbal from Tom in an ITB car but he hasn't registered yet.

Tom's car is my old car and it is riding down in my trailer. Charlie Tobel is also coming down with his ITS RX-7, he and I are sharing the garage.
Kewl! Kris Smith also signed on, for ITC... we'll see if he can keep that thing running for a weekend! There's also a SRF guy lives 'round the corner from me, should be going.

Yeah, Tom needs to get his butt in gear and get signed up.

Chris Marsh, our teammate (t'other ITB 924, aka Crabman Chris) won't be going, sadly. :(
Yeah, yeah I know, I know I have to sign up. I will after I survive this weekend. I have a feeling I might have Team Cordier looking for me after I beat Daddy's little girl last weekend...all in good fun. I really have to make sure I have tires. On order, got to check the status of them tomorrow and then...time to sign up.
Yeah, yeah I know, I know I have to sign up. I will after I survive this weekend. I have a feeling I might have Team Cordier looking for me after I beat Daddy's little girl last weekend...all in good fun. I really have to make sure I have tires. On order, got to check the status of them tomorrow and then...time to sign up.


Great to hear from you. ITB is in double digits now so you'll have some competition here too. :happy204:
Sweet!! Tom, be sure to compare notes with Todd Lincoln this weekend, get his pointers for around the track...

Oh, of course, you've got Chris to talk to too... :)