Fire bottle question??


New member
I am replacing my halon bottle on my race car I had Halon 1211 in the old bottle the new one they sent has DuPont FE-36 is this compatable with my existing system or do I need another halon type, I do not want to replum the car. And is this a powder type or like the halon and will not fill the car with powder if discharged?? If so I will have to send it back and chew out the salesman (since I told what we were replacing). It is a Fire Bottle system.:024:
Mikel: look up Dupont FE-36 on the Dupont website. It is a follow-on version of Halon. It is environmentally friendly and certified to be used in hospitals. Check with your vendor about having to replace the nozzles. FE-36 is not powder, to the best of my knowledge.
Thanks for the info I verifed today that it is the direct replacement and no mods are needed.:happy204: