i tried to use the 16V's in ITA to demonstrate that there is not much difference between multipliers or #/cc even between makes. at least there is less difference there between different cars than between the 12V hondas.

is the crx more nimble on the small tracks? probably. does the accord have an advantage at championship quality tracks? probably.

frankly i was surprised by the ITA CRX and Teg having essentially exactly #/cc ratios to the 3rd decimal point.

the ITB CRX and Accord are rated from Honda at almost exactly the same power per liter, 61.2 vs. 61.4 HP/Liter respectively.

before i blew my built motor, i did not have it dynoed and have decided to not build another until i get an answer for this. i can't argue your number of 109 because i just don't know.

i also want to try and get a real response and not just the "car good as is" approach because i think there has to be real and rational reason.