Steve there are 2 (45 minute) Carolina cup races and you can have 2 drivers for that with a mandatory 2 minute pit stop. There are also 2 SARRC races. If you enter the car we will give you the multiple race discount regardless of who drives. That way you can share a car for the SARRC races or whatever and save some money. When you register on DLB be sure to notice there is a seperate event page for the Carolina Cup and the double SARRC. DLB would not accept 4 races on one page. Dont worry if it gives you a higher price than listed on the entry form, we are just taking checks and Vicki will charge you the correct amount. Enter the SARRC on one page and go to the Carolina Cup to enter them. Trying to get that fixed but DLB seems to not answer phone or email in any timely manner.