Quote Originally Posted by Eagle7 View Post
Hope this attempt went better
Thanks, but ... not really. It was actually a major carnage weekend at Laguna, so many friends left with big $$ to spend. The luckiest guy in that bunch simply never got his car to start, and after spending 8 hours trying, just gave up on the weekend.

In my case it was just a return of the cooling problem I've had ever since I wrecked the car last June. Obviously something overheated at some point because I continue to lose well over a gallon of water each session, and though you'd think with that much loss it would be obvious where it's going, it's not. Nothing visible anywhere. I thought several times I've had it figured out only to be thwarted. It doesn't reproduce itself anywhere except actually on the track, which has made it tough to diagnose. In any case, the head is coming off this week.

So I did get, oh, 10 laps on the tires? Not much. The car was really sketchy when the tires were cold, much looser than it has EVER been with Hoosiers. I'm now thinking though that I was effectively spinning in my own ... water, if that's even credible.

So I've got no new insight.