Quote Originally Posted by kevin22 View Post
No racing on Friday, but we can qual.that makes no sense. cars are just as loud whether in Qual or race session. Can we crash on friday? or is that only allowed on Saturday.
LRP rules are such a hassle it should be cheaper to race there. Other then the Pancakes I would not miss LRP if the dates went to another track.... Monticello would be nice. the full 4 mile track is a real pleasure to race on.
really? I thought it was a club track with no racing?

yes, the rules at LRP are nonsensical in some views. Late starts, early finishes, no "racing' on anything but Sat, and a short track. Not to mention the highest rates per mile of any track in the country, which is why NER is working so hard to have another track in the area with a degree of control.