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Thread: NHMS TeamDI Pro IT Race - April 10th

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Weare, NH

    Default NHMS TeamDI Pro IT Race - April 10th

    1. What a wonderful, sunny beautiful day, and an excellent,
    competitive, fun race !!! Thanks everyone!

    2. Rob Driscoll (25 ITS), Rob Breault (36 ITR), Nick Leverone (89 SM),
    Anthony Ruddy (86 ITA), congrats on the win!!

    3. Ben Phillips (33 ITR) bummer on the post race.. you were
    very fun to run with, and I hope we do it again soon.

    4. Jeff Henderson (23 ITS) I accept your apology for running
    me off at the exit of the bowl for 2nd, we almost made it through

    5. Matt Rooke (16 ITS) thanks for passing the bastard

    6. Jimmy Locke (70 SM) I looked for you after, sorry we didn't meet...
    At NHMS, passing under braking into 3 (DIVEBOMBING) is
    generally a very risky maneuver, as the offline passing car
    often contacts the online car that you are trying to pass, when
    the forward car goes in to the apex.

    It is a perfectly reasonable tactic to gain position, but you
    have to assume (know) that the car being passed is aware that
    you are there and going to try it, and it is incumbent upon the
    passing car not to contact, which is very difficult to do there.

    It is a perfectly UNREASONABLE tactic when you are being lapped.

    Luckily I saw you in time, scratched my head, and allowed you
    to divebomb through without contact, but it really wasn't to
    be expected, since you were being lapped. Next time please
    save the risky maneuvers for when it counts, ok?

    7. Dominic Crugnale (29 ITR) congrats on the fastest laptime 1:13.1...
    next time in qualifying I am going to go through
    the barrier in 3 to 10 to shave off a few seconds too!

    Again, what a great time!


    Glenn Lawton
    #14 ITS RX7
    NARRC ITS Champion 2012
    NERRC ITS Champion 2013 12 11 10 09 08
    NERRC STU Champion 2010


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Weare, NH


    Jeff...someone pointed out to me that my comment about accepting
    your apology sounded sarcastic (especially when paired with the
    bastard comment) <chuckle>...

    that's not the case...we went in two wide, it was for a podium spot,
    there just wasn't enough room at the exit, you understeered a bit,
    we never touched, I went off, you apologized post race, I accepted...
    It is no problem at all, and I look forward to many close races
    with you in the future

    Doc Breault...I put the 14 car up on the lift just now and found
    that the James Bond smokescreen button I pushed to cover your
    windshield in oily stuff was my ripped inner right rear CV boot
    donating its charge to the environment (much of which found the
    exhaust just below it) also explains why I wrongly thought
    I had a flat and came in, it was just a well greased tire


    Glenn Lawton
    #14 ITS RX7
    NARRC ITS Champion 2012
    NERRC ITS Champion 2013 12 11 10 09 08
    NERRC STU Champion 2010


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New Jersey


    TeamDI Pro IT Round 1 Results
    New Hampshire Motorsports Park


    Robert Breault - 33 laps
    Ann Lamport-Hammitte - 33 laps
    Robert Thiele - 33 laps


    Rob Driscoll - 33 laps (overall winner)
    Matt Rooke - 33 laps
    Jeff Henderson - 33 laps


    Anthony Ruddy - 32 laps
    Phil Kogan - 32 laps
    Matt Rowe - 28 laps


    Ken Hubbard - 32 laps




    Nick Leverone - 33 laps
    Steve Gorriaran - 33 laps
    Jeff Harding - 33 laps

    After a few safety car laps to clean up an Exxon Valdez-like oil spill, lots of tight, clean racing. A great way to start the season.

    On to Lime Rock


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Any lap times posted anywhere? I really wish I had the day off so I could have come up... I'm sure as always it was great racing!

    Big thanks to Darrell and Ben for getting my new seat to Raymond!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Any lap times posted anywhere? I really wish I had the day off so I could have come up... I'm sure as always it was great racing!

    Big thanks to Darrell and Ben for getting my new seat to Raymond!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Weare, NH


    Quote Originally Posted by StephenB View Post
    Any lap times posted anywhere?
    FASTEST LAP - RACE (1 minute +)

    Rob Breault ITR 15.073
    Ben Phillips ITR 15.118
    Rob Driscoll ITS 15.136
    Glenn Lawton ITS 15.172
    Jeff Henderson ITS 15.424
    Bob Blake ITS 16.183
    Rob Thiele ITR 16.320
    Ann Lamport-Hammitte ITR 16.396
    Nick Leverone SM 17.529
    Steve Gorriaran SM 17.534
    Steve Lewis SM 17.632
    Jack Hall ITS 17.797
    Russ Jones ITS 17.818
    Jeff Harding SM 17.926
    Andrzej Brzezinski SM 17.979
    Phil Kogan ITA 18.232
    Anthony Ruddy ITA 18.449
    Keith Hammitte SM 18.626
    Yiannis Tsiounis SM 19.188
    Ken Hubbard ITB 19.199
    Jimmy Locke SM 19.755
    Matthew Rowe ITA 22.792
    Christian Chandler ITA 43.575
    Matt Rooke ITS na
    Robert Beede ITS na
    Dominic Crugnale ITR na
    Windell Holmes ITA na
    Rob Nimkoff ITR na

    FASTEST LAP - QUALIFYING (1 minute +)

    Glenn Lawton ITS 14.827
    Rob Driscoll ITS 15.041
    Russ Jones ITS 15.375
    Ben Phillips ITR 15.399
    Rob Breault ITR 15.650
    Jeff Henderson ITS 15.650
    Matt Rooke ITS 16.060
    Bob Blake ITS 16.113
    Ann Lamport-Hammitte ITR 16.191
    Steve Gorriaran SM 16.330
    Robert Beede ITS 16.574
    Rob Thiele ITR 16.747
    Nick Leverone SM 16.983
    Andrzej Brzezinski SM 17.520
    Jeff Harding SM 17.666
    Dominic Crugnale ITR 17.933
    Anthony Ruddy ITA 18.174
    Steve Lewis SM 18.338
    Phil Kogan ITA 18.541
    Windell Holmes ITA 18.624
    Keith Hammitte SM 18.841
    Jack Hall ITS 18.934
    Jimmy Locke SM 19.064
    Yiannis Tsiounis SM 19.090
    Ken Hubbard ITB 19.682
    Rob Nimkoff ITR 19.970
    Matthew Rowe ITA 20.666
    Christian Chandler ITA 24.321

    Glenn Lawton
    #14 ITS RX7
    NARRC ITS Champion 2012
    NERRC ITS Champion 2013 12 11 10 09 08
    NERRC STU Champion 2010


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Colchester, CT, USA


    1) What happened to Ben?
    2) Did any ITers run STU?
    Jeff L

    ITA Miata

    2010 NARRC Champion

    2007 NERRC Championship, 2nd place
    2008 NARRC Championship, 2nd place
    2009 NARRC Championship, 2nd place

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockaway, NJ


    I was moved to last place in class for non compliance. This was a pretty tough pill since I won the ITR race but after meeting with the stewards it's pretty black and white. At impound everybody was to open their hoods - I understand that Topeka asked for air intakes be inspected. My intake box has a stock snorkle. The guy I bought my car from was a injection molder and created a bigger snorkle to the front air vent in the car - creates a great Ram air effect. I've shown this to many folks remarking that here is a great, legal mod for the 968. Well, not legal.

    When the car was inspected it was questioned and I said, "go look at Brian's 968 parked over there by impound - my snorkle is in the stock location getting air from the stock location." Well, that provided a perfect comparison point. After inspecting Brian's car it was determined that the small grill that goes over the air vent was missing on my car - no question that is non compliant. The second non compliant point was after very, very careful inspection it was determined that the metal area in front of the airbox was modified to allow the snorkle. Now I owned both those cars and had them both in my garage side by side - I didn't notice but no excuse - can't have modified body work - so that was the second non compliant item. This work was so good several folks in impound said no way that was modified, its factory. Well, it was different on Brian's car so no doubting that.

    So while I was totally disappointed I hope I comported myself with class like a man, licked my wounds and will come back with my issues corrected. I received clear instruction on what to do. A point I will add - the big snorkle was legal - but since I have to replace some bodywork it won't be as effective. I plan on working with tech to make sure what I do to correct this is 100% to the satisfaction of tech.

    Kudos to the stewards. These folks managed the process very professionally. I was treated with dignity and respect and communication to me was very clear and direct. I clearly understood what was happening, why and unfortunately the outcome.

    This was a roller coster weekend. T&S had no times for me after qualifying. Then my times were found and I was third overall and on ITR pole. Won the race, did the victory lap and went downhill from there...

    Looking forward to racing at LRP - I will be there with vengeance.....

    PS - I did the STU race. I was so depressed I was going to skip it but my buddies encouraged me. Didn't fill up the tank - got DQ'd for being 8 pounds light. It was icing on the cake but I didn't really care - I was so bummed my heart wasn't into it. There were 8 cars in the whole race and only 4 STU cars. I was against Maynards Grand AM BMW and Parlato's World Challenge BMW - no chance. Gorrarian raced his Miata but pulled off to get into another car for the next session.
    #33 ITR Porsche 968
    BigSpeed Racing
    2013 ITR Pro IT Champion
    2014 NE Division ITR Champion

  9. #9
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    Oct 2004


    Ben, call me.
    Andy Bettencourt
    New England Region 188967

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockaway, NJ


    Just got my messages - will call you this AM. Wall St. meetings this AM
    #33 ITR Porsche 968
    BigSpeed Racing
    2013 ITR Pro IT Champion
    2014 NE Division ITR Champion

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    The Pro-IT race was a fun one, it was great to see the top guys running together all race.

    We had a BFA in the first group (Pro-IT) due to T&S issues (not many cars were getting "hits" on the loop) resulting in some scrambles to both resolve the technical error and to find bodies to run stopwatches -- I'd not run a stopwatch in T&S since 1986 and I was lost even with only doing two cars!). Fortunately, after the restart the technical glitches were pretty much resolved.

    There was a fuster-cluck in T9/10 first lap of the Pro-IT race Saturday, leaving Wendell Holmes and Bill Fenton with damaged cars, and with Yiannis Tsiounis "sans" door skin the whole race (Yiannis has in-car video of the whole thing). Funny thing, Yiannis didn't know he was missing the door skin until his radio guy called him and told him!

    We lost about 8 minutes to the subsequent clean-up of oil (all the way from entry into T9 to T11), paced by Yours Truly (I wanted to hold up the middle finger to signal one to go, but I figured the translation might get lost), and from there it was green to the end. Great race.

    We in Scrutineering had very few issues, however it was still interesting since we had posted in advance at registration exactly what post-race items we were going to inspect for each class. This posting generated a LOT of interesting discussions and some inspections throughout the weekend (and yet we still snagged a few "discrepancies" post-race, each of them typically a simple misunderstanding or oversight of the regs). If you are a technically-oriented rules nerd-like personality, you would have enjoyed your time volunteering in tech (hint, hint!)

    Quote Originally Posted by JLawton View Post
    Did any ITers run STU?
    As Ben noted, four STU entries. Phil Parlato won with his sweet (fully self-built) World Challenge BMW, with Dave Maynard hounding him the for second; Dave was never more than a few car lengths behind the whole race. Ben dropped in a respectable third - there's some good potential in that car. Unfortunately, Maynard was excluded due to being significantly underweight; he mistakenly thought that STU also accepted Grand AM-prepped cars as well as World Challenge*.

    As for the National racing, I was personally disappointed in the run group numbers. I was very surprised at the low counts, but I hear from others there that this is typical for a National weekend . I think the FF/FV group had 7 cars...? Honestly, if it wasn't for the addition of the Pro-IT and "All Miata" run groups, that track had the potential for being a ghost town...

    There were some good opportunities for STU track time for Improved Touring entries; two half-hour quallies and a 45-minute race, then add in there more racing on Saturday for Pro-IT (and a keerapload of more time if you drove a Miata; I think we figured Jerry Rigoli's SSB could have run 4 race groups; 5 if you count Prod...!) I'm bummed we weren't able to make it on the track, but I invite you all to join us for a few other Nationals, and come out to help at the track if you can't.


    * There's a lot of misunderstanding about the STU rules. STU is an "either/or" proposition: you can prep to the STU rules, *OR* you can prep to the most-recent World Challenge rules for your car *OR* you can prep to the Improved Touring rules *OR* you can prep to the MX-5 Cup rules. You cannot mix-and-match these rules, but it's perfectly fine to cherry-pick which one is most advantageous for you.

    In talking to Dave Maynard, I recognized that the mistake was assuming STU was like ITE, where you can prepare your car to *any* professional race series. Not the case. Unfortunately, his legal STU weight (which is based on engine displacement) is about 350 pounds more than his Grand Am weight, so it would take a lot of lead to make it STU legal...

    However, I didn't think of this until during the drive home, but does anyone know if his BMW complies with the ITR specs? I don't know if his chassis is even eligible for ITR, but if it is I have to wonder if maybe the GA prep level is within ITR allowances? If I had thought of this post-race we could have discussed it to see if he could squeak through...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
    The Pro-IT race was a fun one, it was great to see the top guys running together all race.

    We had a BFA in the first group (Pro-IT) due to T&S issues (not many cars were getting "hits" on the loop) resulting in some scrambles to both resolve the technical error and to find bodies to run stopwatches -- I'd not run a stopwatch in T&S since 1986 and I was lost even with only doing two cars!). Fortunately, after the restart the technical glitches were pretty much resolved.

    There was a fuster-cluck in T9/10 first lap of the Pro-IT race Saturday, leaving Wendell Holmes and Bill Fenton with damaged cars, and with Yiannis Tsiounis "sans" door skin the whole race (Yiannis has in-car video of the whole thing). Funny thing, Yiannis didn't know he was missing the door skin until his radio guy called him and told him!

    We lost about 8 minutes to the subsequent clean-up of oil (all the way from entry into T9 to T11), paced by Yours Truly (I wanted to hold up the middle finger to signal one to go, but I figured the translation might get lost), and from there it was green to the end. Great race.

    We in Scrutineering had very few issues, however it was still interesting since we had posted in advance at registration exactly what post-race items we were going to inspect for each class. This posting generated a LOT of interesting discussions and some inspections throughout the weekend (and yet we still snagged a few "discrepancies" post-race, each of them typically a simple misunderstanding or oversight of the regs). If you are a technically-oriented rules nerd-like personality, you would have enjoyed your time volunteering in tech (hint, hint!)

    As Ben noted, four STU entries. Phil Parlato won with his sweet (fully self-built) World Challenge BMW, with Dave Maynard hounding him the for second; Dave was never more than a few car lengths behind the whole race. Ben dropped in a respectable third - there's some good potential in that car. Unfortunately, Maynard was excluded due to being significantly underweight; he mistakenly thought that STU also accepted Grand AM-prepped cars as well as World Challenge*.

    As for the National racing, I was personally disappointed in the run group numbers. I was very surprised at the low counts, but I hear from others there that this is typical for a National weekend . I think the FF/FV group had 7 cars...? Honestly, if it wasn't for the addition of the Pro-IT and "All Miata" run groups, that track had the potential for being a ghost town...

    There were some good opportunities for STU track time for Improved Touring entries; two half-hour quallies and a 45-minute race, then add in there more racing on Saturday for Pro-IT (and a keerapload of more time if you drove a Miata; I think we figured Jerry Rigoli's SSB could have run 4 race groups; 5 if you count Prod...!) I'm bummed we weren't able to make it on the track, but I invite you all to join us for a few other Nationals, and come out to help at the track if you can't.


    * There's a lot of misunderstanding about the STU rules. STU is an "either/or" proposition: you can prep to the STU rules, *OR* you can prep to the most-recent World Challenge rules for your car *OR* you can prep to the Improved Touring rules *OR* you can prep to the MX-5 Cup rules. You cannot mix-and-match these rules, but it's perfectly fine to cherry-pick which one is most advantageous for you.

    In talking to Dave Maynard, I recognized that the mistake was assuming STU was like ITE, where you can prepare your car to *any* professional race series. Not the case. Unfortunately, his legal STU weight (which is based on engine displacement) is about 350 pounds more than his Grand Am weight, so it would take a lot of lead to make it STU legal...

    However, I didn't think of this until during the drive home, but does anyone know if his BMW complies with the ITR specs? I don't know if his chassis is even eligible for ITR, but if it is I have to wonder if maybe the GA prep level is within ITR allowances? If I had thought of this post-race we could have discussed it to see if he could squeak through...
    Thanks for the excellent recap. The Maynard car COULD be eligible (like our MX5) but you can seam weld along with a few little things that are outside the norm. A careful look at the IT rules BEFORE the GAC build could have netted a dual-purpose car. And I think he has a 330 which puts the weight at 3290 which is 10lbs off his STU weight interestingly.

    A quick search yeilded no fruit on the SWC weight for an E36 325. Anyone know where to look? I found VTS's for E46 325 but no weight on it. COuple questions on legality:

    World Challenge spec cars: They need to run the spec tire, right? I say this based on the specific allowance for the MX5 Cup cars to run any DOT tire with a size limit. If you run an older SWC car, what tire do you run? The RA-1 from when it was listed or the R888 from now. I would think you have to run the car AS CLASSED from the 'latest available VTS' sheet.

    For sure they need to be running a Toyo of some sort...and BMW engine allowances are minimal...

    Slow track? Surprised given the time of year...
    Last edited by Andy Bettencourt; 04-12-2010 at 10:03 AM.
    Andy Bettencourt
    New England Region 188967

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Basking Ridge, NJ, USA


    Fun weekend! Glen, way to snag the pole! you were flyin.

    Really looking forward to limerock... Could IT go sub 1 minute?? stay tuned

  14. #14
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    Mar 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
    ...I think he has a 330 which puts the weight at 3290 which is 10lbs off his STU weight interestingly.
    Dunno. I wasn't running the scales during STU, but Dave mumbled something - paraphrased - about 'not going to add over 300# just to run STU'.
    A quick search yeilded no fruit on the SWC weight for an E36 325...Anyone know where to look?
    Old WC rules, I'd guess. Maybe do a search using
    World Challenge spec cars: They need to run the spec tire, right?
    That's a good point. Given that you must meet the most-recent-for-your-car WC rules, I can only conclude you must run Toyos...however, in talking to Phil about his car, he said that the STU rules pretty much mimic the WC rules (he runs STU rules) there's no reason to get hand-cuffed by the Toyos.


  15. #15
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    Northern New Jersey


    I have the ITR trophies for Robert Breault, Ann Lamport-Hammitte, and Robert Thiele. I'll hand them out at LRP.

    Thanks for a successful and fun round 1 of the 2010 season. Going to be a good one!
    Darrell Anthony

  16. #16
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    Nov 2001
    New England


    The ProIT Race was a great way to shake the cobwebs off. With 2 twenty minute qualifying sessions and a 45 minute race, there was plenty of track time.

    Thankfully I made it thru the spins without damage. There were two occasions (qual and race) where I saw a red car sideways in front of me.

    As for the race itself, it was fun to mix it up with a Miata for quite a while. Then I dropped the right rear wheel off track at the turn-in at turn 6 and that sent me spinning. My nice lead over Phil Kogan went away quickly. My apologies to the ITR/ITS leaders who were coming thru at that time. I pedaled as fast as I could up the hill. All the drivers were patient with me as the car got back up to speed. (I got back on line out of 6)

    Phil and I got to battle a bit for the last 4 or 5 laps, with Phil taking a run on the inside at 3. But the CRX was able to power up the hill and that gave me the advantage to the checker.

    It was a long day, but ended well.
    Anthony R.
    ITA #86 NER
    Honda CRX Si

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Concord, NH 03301


    A quick search yeilded no fruit on the SWC weight for an E36 325. Anyone know where to look?
    Give a call to Topeka, they should have archived copies of the WC rule sets. I got a copy from the mid-late 90's a few years back.

  18. #18
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    Apr 2001
    NH, US


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post

    Slow track? Surprised given the time of year...
    I don't think it was that slow of a track... Ken Hubbard ran a 1:19.1 in the ITB car... Close to the track record I belive!!

    Raymond "Should have bumper cam shots from kens qualifying session up soon" Blethen
    RST Performance Racing

  19. #19
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    Jan 2003
    Rockaway, NJ


    I was able to locate the little grill that was missing from my car on a 968 forum - I was really worried I wouldn't be able to get the stock part.

    Couple of comments - I thought the track was slow. It was very green from all the rain on Friday and the sun didn't shine long enough on Saturday to really warm the pavement. Good cool air for power but only moderate grip.

    My camera wasn't working so I'm curious who crashed into the back of my car at turn 3, first lap. I thought to whole back would be smashed in from the hit - not a scratch - pretty stout car.

    After the disappointment of being non-compliant wore off I guess the guys who had the worst weekend was Rob Thiele and Rob Nimkoff - man, both those guys have had more than their share of bad luck with mechanical/crash damage. I hope both you guys make it to LRP to battle. Windell - he got crashed out too - bummer.

    I heard a red ITS Honda was demolished - who was that? I didn't see the car.

    PS - Glen - total blast running with you dude - that was one insane tank slapper you had going through 12! I kept thinking, he's going, nope, he's gone, nope, going again, nope - incredible save after running through a ton of oil.
    Last edited by benspeed; 04-13-2010 at 09:14 AM.
    #33 ITR Porsche 968
    BigSpeed Racing
    2013 ITR Pro IT Champion
    2014 NE Division ITR Champion

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Ligonier, PA, USA


    What happened to Rob Thiele and Rob Nimkoff ?
    I'm hoping to join the ProIT fun 1st races @ njmp. I should be ready by then.



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