Quote Originally Posted by StephenB View Post
Seriously? Already we are messing around... Is it documented that a member requested a specific car to be looked at?
Stephen you should know by now that the CRB is a piss poor group of people who have absolutely no idea how to research decisions properly or understand that consistency has something to do with member support and/or growth. The "rules" will change from month to month until we change the members of that committee. Unfortunately those members are not voted on so we have not options as members to replace them.

Raymond "not bitching, just being a realist when it comes to how SCCA handles member input and change" Blethen

PS: I really need to get that VTS sheet into the ITAC to see how the CRB deals with the Audi 4000 Quattro... According to the process it should weigh a good 200lbs less than the FWD version so it will be interesting to see how the ITAC and CRB handle that one! If you have the info can you fill it in and e-mail it to me? Thanks!