Ben to further what Andy said, not only did we have a bunch of data, but the data was from NON interested parties, AND it was very consistent. On top of that, we used the higher extremes of that data (an actual diservice to the car). No allowance was given for the transmission that is reported to be suspect.

Further, that evidence was brought in, and vetted by the entire ITAC, and then voted on. I have the voting records, person by person. To me, that one car was perhaps the apogee of the Process, and now that the CRB has pushed back, we may never see a weight so properly processed again.

It's a high water mark for the IT car classification system, if you ask me.

Too bad that System has been abandoned.

Complain if you want Ben, but saying it has a negative power factor is either a joke lacking a smiley, or sour grapes and a KNOW it didn't get a negative factor.