ITAC News.

Only Kirk has a shot, and he's already on board, but go for it man!

(High post counts are the sign of oldness or weirdness, both are bad!)
Congratulations to Jeff and Scott. I think both will improve the ITAC composition and help further Improved Touring within the club. Nice picks, enjoy!
As Jake noted I have been racing a lot in Nationals ( GTL) and my kids are at the age that Im doing a lot more with them so, it was getting more and more difficult to devote the time needed to properly do my job on the ITAC . I still have my ITB car and hope I can get it out next year with my son driving it for his first SCCA drivers school. The ITAC is a great group of guys and believe me they have nothing but the best interests of the class at heart. Sure sometimes things don't happen has fast as some people like BUT they are all volunteers and put in a lot of time and effort to make IT a great class.

Bob Clark
Miller had the record for a long time, and I was second. Then I got a new job, Miller DID get a hottie GF, and Jake got his second win.

Andy, what was your screen name before you switched to AB? Didn't you have 4000 posts or so on that name?

Combined, u da winnar, man!

On edit:

In an effort to reduce my post count, I will add this in a ninja edit. Your combined total is 5555, I think, soon, you will roll over Miller.
(Unless he snafus the GF thing!)
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Just as an added notice, read in the general thread area below for an announcement that one of the high paying, highly coveted (Man, the manufacturer perks are staggering, not to mention the God like control we yield!) has become open with Marshall Lytle's appointment to a DC dictatorship position, or some such.

Resumes being accepted...
***Miller DID get a hottie GF,***

Sure, Weisberg gets married, then Miller finds a hottie. Way to go Bill.:happy204: Chances are John will come to Road America. Will the hottie let you come.
The next ITAC meeting is next Monday, 2/22/10.

I will be the new chair of the committee. We will spend the first part of next week's meeting discussing how many members we want on the committee and some of the resumes we have received to fill open seats.

We will also discuss, of course, how we will operate, especially with respect to the adjustment of existing listings.

As of right now, the change request letters to be discussed include 3 letters about the IT ruleset, 7 letters requesting new car classifications, and 7 letters requesting adjustments to existing car classifications. I sincerely hope to be able to close out some of these requests.

You can expect some updates from me after the meeting.

In general, I would sincerely appreciate your support with getting some good momentum going in order to be responsive to member requests. The more we get bogged down in politics, the less time there is to discuss good ideas that further the goal of fun, competitive, large-turnout racing in IT.
Josh: Congratulations! I wish you all the best luck with dealing with all the issues that have come up in the last few months. I know that we will be able to move forward and I look forward to working with you and the ITAC. And thanks for your service.
Best wishes for progress, Josh. You know that I think the political and organizational problems ought to actually get solved but if you're able to accomplish what needs doing, that's what's important.

I echo Kirks comments, and I like the idea of updates. I think the IT community has been very lucky to have had probably the most open communication with with it's adhoc as any in the club, and am happy to see you furthering that.
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Without getting some of the other issues resolved, what process will the ITAC be using? Unfortunately figuring out some of the politics items is pretty important at this stage otherwise things are just going to go around in circles. If / how previously classed cars will be reviewed (the numerous cars the ITAC already worked on) is pretty critical.

Glad to hear that you'll continue the open communication with us Josh.
Congrats and best of luck to you Josh! I really commend your courage and dedication in accepting this in light of recent developments.:smilie_pokal::023: