Quote Originally Posted by lateapex911 View Post
(It should be pointed out that, some people have set ideas of what 'kind' of car fits in what class. For example there was a distinct opposition among certain ITAC and CRB members against putting the American Pony cars into ITR. "They'll ruin the class", "It will look like a stock car race", "ITR is for SPORTS cars", were some of the remarks. And there is, among some members, the feeling that ITB isn't the place for "new" technology, like 16V cars.)
That's some pretty funny stuff right there Jake. I didn't realize a car that was 25 years old (like the AW11 MR2 w/ the 4A-GE engine) was considered 'new' technology. What other 'new' technology shouldn't be in ITB, EFI?

Quote Originally Posted by Knestis
Finally - and I'm going to be VERY explicit about my language here - it's the category with which the "IT members" of the CRB are most familiar. I absolutely do NOT believe that Chris A. and Peter K. are manipulating the listings to the advantage of the cars they drive...

^ ^ ^

...however, they have a TON of experience closely watching the class, as it is today and as it has changed over the years. That leaves them with a perspective that is essentially impossible for them to escape, when they look at how "right" car weights are. You could tell either of them that Model X should weigh XXXX pounds in ITB and they could instantly formulate a position about what they think it would do to the class.

There shouldn't even be the chance for them to manipulate listings to the advantage of the cars that they drive, as they shouldn't be voting on things related to specific cars in the class(es) that they run in (in this case, IT. And while I'm sure they can formulate very good opinions about the impact of of a new ITB classification, they really should keep it to themselves.

You really have to head it off at the pass. Don't give people any ability to make claims of impropriety. I'm one of the leaders in my son's Boy Scout troop. We have VERY specific guidelines about adults being alone w/ the boys. We are required to go to specific training on the subject, and have to have refreshers every two years. Yes, a main purpose is to educate people. But it's also to CYA.

You know what they say, perception is reality. And if someone thinks that there's a chance for monkey business, that's all it takes. The SCCA's past history sure doesn't help in that regard.