Group Buy on Re-lined Aluminum drums???


New member
Chris Plucker and I have been in contact with 2 different companies that are capable of re-lining the Z car aluminum drums.

The company I have been talking with has done a number of drums for a different application and has given me a rough order of magnitude price of about $900 for 4 drums which works out to $225 ea.

The owner has asked for my estimation on how many drums could he expect to re-line from the Z community. I responded to him that I would post this in a couple of places to try and get a feel for how many people need drums.

So, please post the number of drums that you would like to have re-lined, even if the price is too high right now, I am only trying to get a handle on how many drums might be out there that need re-lining. I am sure Chris could use these same numbers as well.
I will start out,

2 Drums.....

The biggest problem I have is that I needed this thread to be posted 10 years ago telling me to save all of the old drums that went bad. Everything I have is still good, and everything that needs relining is long gone.....:(