Oh Steph, my facebook friend... my comments were part fun part serious. I never hang my head, well unless I eat too much chocolate cake and get a belly ache. I will correct myself and say this is a regional ONLY class vs national available class issue. Sorry to mislead.

Again STU <> IT (that's a not equal sign for you non-SQL heads). No reason why IT as it is, albeit with revised weights (doh!), should not be a national class. Why was it designed to be a regional only class? Folks wanted to have fun without the expense and those sophicated ruling members wanted nothing to do with it at a National level, true? no idea. I do know that running competitively in SS means *usually* means buying a newer car and unfortunetaly w/o the fun and speed of IT trimmings... (mickey DUCK!). I pick IT over buying a new Civic Si SSB anyday.