Quote Originally Posted by lateapex911 View Post
ITA changed, IMO, when the CRX was classed. I'm not sure that there even WAS an ITAC back then. It is known to have an artificially low HP rating, and it was a winner right out of the box. That was 92 or 93 or so. The bar was raised.
I think this is currently happening in ITB with the VW MK3 and the 1955cc Honda's. The MR2 would be a class winner in the old ITB racing against 2002's and A2 Golfs but possibly an underdog against the newly classed faster ITB front runners. The CRB sees a problem but they don't fully understand it and they appear to lack confidence in the ITAC recommendations. Mixed and conflicting rules are the result.

In a perfect world the ITAC and CRB would communicate and work together. A slight adjustment would be made in the classification process in ITB. The resulting adjustments would be well received by the IT community. Competition would be well balanced in all classes. Everybody would be so happy...