Dan, while I agree but that's pretty late in the game if you ask me. By that time they've figured out much of the basics. How they even get to that point is the challenge.

When I originally heard the numbers, it shocked me. On average for the past several years, SCCA gain 10,000 members!!! That's quite a few. The sad part is we also lose an average amount of 10,000 members. So the goal here really is to reach out to those people that join and need some extra help. A written resource is nice and all, but sometimes having an actual human voice is what it takes to make things work out.

Club racing is only a part of this. Autocross and HPDE as well. My thought was that since SCCA is lacking a quality HPDE program (okay, so some regions host a PDX from time-to-time), a mentor program like this could help build a bridge into Club Racing for those that have that interest.

I personally think it's seriously as simple as someone speaking with a person before their first HPDE, a follow-up afterwords, and open line of communication. Maybe I'm totally off base with all of this? It wouldn't be the first time or the last.

David - it's not about racing lines or becoming a winning driver. It's primarily just about being there and what do I do when I arrive at my first event at Road Atlanta? In fact, sometimes I think someone whose still quite new to the game can be an even better mentor in some aspects compared to a seasoned veteran. The reason is people who have been in the game for a while sometimes take too many things for granted. A relatively new person to the scene vividly remembers what it was all like. There are positives to both experience levels.