Dick - regarding ProIt and the Driving Impressions / other sponsor relationships, that series is being billed as a "Pro" series. That's the big difference between the two. As far as the Tire Rack deal, I'm not familiar with that but obviously you have a point or maybe some expressed the same feeling.

Dick good luck to you, I can't wait to tell R. David how giddy my fellow IT racers are and appreciate the good things the people in charge do for us
Oh come on Mac. A deal is announced with a national series sponsor (again, not contigency), people are frustrated with some of the actions SCCA leadership has done such as moving forward with H&NR being a requirement AND SFI 38.1 / FIA only; all of the IT cars being reviewed vanishing and related BS, among a few other things. People see this announcement in the just recently published GCR with a saferacer ad of a Hans device. Let me be clear here, I am NOT saying any back room deals are being made, but the way all of this came out was not overly effective. I'm sorry, but SCCA has a problem with its communication and a big perception of items happening behind closed doors and membership never understanding what's going on. No, every decision should not be put out for membership review but you need to understand we can only hold up so many straws of hay.

I TOTALLY understand Dick's position of not being able to provide us additional details, but then SCCA should have better communicated (yup, there it is again!) with it's members. When the message is full of ambiguity, you're baiting people to jump to conclusions based on perceptions.