2010 GCR now available

"SCCA Club Racing" decal replaced with new required "SafeRacer SCCA National Racing Series" decal effective 3/1/2010 for National races, optional for Regional.

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Double-U. Tee. Eff.

I wonder how much is SCCA paying National competitors to run the kickback advertising stickers on cars...?

And I thought this club hit the bottom of the barrel years ago...simply never ceases to amaze me...adding another vendor to the no-fly list...
Lighten up. The national office sold this contingency deal. Some cash for the club, contingency moneys paid to drivers by national points and yes the required stickers are supposed to be free.
I do not think it is a bad thing that Topeka found a series sponsor for national racing.
Lighten up.
??? Is that response intended to do just the opposite?
The national office sold this contingency deal. Some cash for the club, contingency moneys paid to drivers by national points and yes the required stickers are supposed to be free. I do not think it is a bad thing that Topeka found a series sponsor for national racing.
So, where's the details on this alleged "contingency" program? How much is Topeka getting for this program? How are the racers themselves (you know, the ones actually paying for all these races?) going to benefit by mandated Club-sponsor stickers on the sides of their cars?

Sorry, Dick, this direction may not bother you, but it certainly does me.

The deal came together very recently (discussions started at PRI earlier this month). The language and the figure showing the new sticker went into the new GCR literally a few days before it was released on Monday. Although the basic outlines of the program were settled, there were still details being worked out. The SafeRacer folks have posted on a few other forums that they will be putting out a press release as soon as they can (possibly today or tomorrow). So, yeah, lighten up, hold your fire until you see the details (which I don't know, so please don't ask me). If you are still unhappy, then complain to your director.

I can see this as a thought to raise money for the club, but can also see the other side. While I'm not fortunate enough to have a sponsor or own a business that is in competition with SafeRacer, I can see others that do having a big problem with this.

Is this advertising opportunity also open for other businesses? What is the cost?
I applaud your cautious nature. I understand that this deal came together quickly after the PRI show and I believe the full details will be unveiled at the national convention at the end of January. It is unfortunate that the timing of the 2010 GCR release scooped the official announcement.
I do not have every detail but the national office was able to find a title sponsor for the national racing series. The club will get some sponsorship money, national racers will get some contingency money. Racers running National races will now have to run the series sticker which I am told are free in place of the previously requires Club Racing sticker that we had to pay for. Regional racers may run either the national series sticker that is free or the club racing sticker which they may still buy.
I do not see the problem. Is it not a good thing that SCCA was able to sell a title sponsorship for the national racing series?
Is it not a good thing that SCCA was able to sell a title sponsorship for the national racing series?

Ok, Dick and Dave, I'll hold my fire until we see the details. As we know, that's where the devil is...but at first glance, I have two issues with series sponsorship in amateur Club Racing: it's mandatory and it intermixes the sponsor with the sanctioning body.

On the first point, no matter how this is detailed, it's not "contingency sponsorship". Contingency sponsorship is an optional system where someone will pay a racer contingent upon their finishing results and their running the sponsors decal(s). The key difference here is that contingency sponsorship is optional. What if you choose not to support the sponsor, either that you're confident you won't do well enough to take advantage of the program, you don't like the sponsor, you have a competing sponsor, or you simply don't want to put a sticker on your car? Well, regardless of the reason, you can choose to not put that sticker on the car and choose not to accept the reward. I personally will never put an advertising sticker on my car unless I have something to gain, and in some cases I've consciously chosen to forego potential contingency sponsorship because of disagreements with the company (do not infer this to mean I have an issue with this specific sponsor; I do not).

But with a series sponsor, you do not have that option. These decals - and it's "sponsorship" - are mandatory, whether you can benefit from it or not.

Further, when one accepts series sponsorship and mandates advertising on all cars, it is incumbent upon the sanctioning body to ensure that all competitors benefit from the sponsorship, not just those fortunate enough to do well. Once you accept series sponsorship it cannot be divided out based on results, especially in non-professional club racing; with mandated sponsorship support comes mandated racer support. You force me to run a sponsor decal, I damn sure better be getting something in return, even if I wreck out on the first lap.

Finally, when one intermixes a sanctioning body with a series sponsor, lots of ugly things can happen. Look what's happened to professional motorsports and series sponsors, not to mention its effects on other sports. I'm not breaking out the black helicopters here, but who's to say what this deal really entails? What kind of deals did it take for the Club to make such a sea change? Again, I'm not saying that anything is happening - I really doubt it, especially this early in the game; after all, most things do start with good intentions - I'm just saying that there's a distinct potential for apparent improprieties, certainly the more intermixed the Club gets into these kind of deals.

I suggest my concerns really come down to the mandate and the decal. Had Topeka spent this effort to gain such a series sponsor and one, made it truly a contingency sponsorship (i.e., made it optional) and two, did not provide the appearance of potential impropriety with the inbreeding of the mandatory Club decals with the sponsor (i.e., made a separate decal for it) then I'd probably be right up there applauding the idea and gladly slapping those decals on my car when I run Nationals. But as it stands now, my hackles are raised, watching for the devil's shoe to drop, for the opportunity to say "I done tole ya so"... :shrug:


* Are we really claiming one of the big advantages of this program is that someone gets the three decals for free instead of - what? - $3 each, especially when the vast majority of racers are already running the Club decals that they already had to buy...? C'mon, we can do better than that...

** I suspect this should be a separate topic. If it goes too much further I'll split these posts out.
Dick clarified this issue for me below and this is no longer a concern of mine. the mods can feel free to delete if they desire.

the only reason i am leaving it is if someone else had the same basic thought/question.

the part that bugs me (but i work near an airport with the occasional helicopter flybys) is that two "odd" things just happened;

  1. Against the recommendation of the CRB, the BOD has mandated the use of H&NR in 2012.
  2. We now have a series sponsor with mandated stickers that just happens to sell H&NRs.
now i don't know if it is a sweetheart deal or not but i don't like it coming out in the same GCR.

and i have bought gear from saferacer and found them to be competitive and easy to deal with so i really have no bone to pick with them.
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the part that bugs me (but i work near an airport with the occasional helicopter flybys) is that two "odd" things just happened;

  1. Against the recommendation of the CRB, the BOD has mandated the use of H&NR in 2012.
  2. We now have a series sponsor with mandated stickers that just happens to sell H&NRs.
now i don't know if it is a sweetheart deal or not but i don't like it coming out in the same GCR.

and i have bought gear from saferacer and found them to be competitive and easy to deal with so i really have no bone to pick with them.

Uh, Tom no.
My first thought was that that thought is out there, but then I know more about this than someone seeing it all as the GCR came out so I will actually give you a serious answer. The H&N vote was done in the first week in December by the 2009 BOD. The series sponsorship deal came out of meetings at the PTI show the next week and was brought to the 2009 BOD’s attention on December 22nd. So I can say no the sponsorship proposal had absolutely no impact on the considerable discussion the BOD had on H&N.
Greg, I'm with you on this issue. Nobody asked me if I wanted to advertise for these poeple. And you know that whatever I or anyone else will personally get will be insignificant in relation to what national racing costs overall. And could certainly cost me sponsors that sell competing products. I to have purchased from Saferacer and had a pleasant experience. They will no longer be on my speed dial when I need parts. Can you imagine if I went up to the Goodyear guys at the end of a race to claim tires for a win and had a Hoosier patch under the Goodyear patch on my suit. Do you think Goodyear would hand over that contingency prize. I don't think so. Should I be asked to risk offending my engine sponsor who sells safety equipment also. It was clearly not well thought out. But I will listen to the offer before I post anymore outraged posts.
Chris Howard
Dick clarified this issue for me below and this is no longer a concern of mine. the mods can feel free to delete if they desire.

the only reason i am leaving it is if someone else had the same basic thought/question.

...and HANS is prominently displayed in the GCR in what we can only presume is a paid advertisement. Or is it?

That's the kind of issue that commercialization brings with it. See also, "NASA spec tires."

Kirk advertising is available to anyone for the GCR and series sponsorship. I have been in enough meetings with some of these guys to have a little more trust in their motives. Everything they do is not bad. We were offered SEDIV sponsorship by a prominent racing business at the mid year meeting and declined until we could set a policy about what they paid and what they would get in return. We wanted to have a set policy that was fair and open to any potential sponsor if it would benefit everyone in SEDIV equally. Saferacer does not have a corner on the HNR by any means so that is quite a stretch to play connect the dots. They had a full page on the back of last years GCR and just decided to step it up this year. Word is they were not prepared for this release yet and will have one out this next week. Lets see what they have before we go off half cocked. It is a small wonder anyone would spend money with us when they get attacked for helping. :rolleyes:
Oh, that wasn't an attack by any means, Steve. Consider it a plea for consistency and transparency - not attributes that the Club management has impressed me with in the past few months.

Oh, that wasn't an attack by any means, Steve. Consider it a plea for consistency and transparency - not attributes that the Club management has impressed me with in the past few months.


I'm not sure Steve was necesarily referring to your posts, with the attack commentary, K.

Thank you Saferacer for stepping up your involvement with Club Racing :smilie_pokal:

Marcus, who couldn't possibly conceive the amount of sniveling and vile hurled Charlie and Saferacer's direction over their increased sponsorship this year. Man, some folks will whine about everything.