2010 GLD Schedule


New member
2010 GLD Schedule

2 Schools (NL & BMP)
2 single regionals
4 restricted regionals
6 double regionals

at 5 different tracks (MO, NL, BMP, GRA, and GM)

New for 2010, all regionals, including restricted regionals are good for GLD Champ Series.

Schedule is posted on GLD website.

Maybe not the correct place to ask this but...is it possible/allowed for a driver to attend an SCCA drivers school after already completing their school requirements?

I completed my school requirements last year at the NL double school and raced all season on my novice permit. I have way more races completed than actually needed for my full license but I'd like to attend the NL double school again in '10.

I could spend $350 and get maybe 45 minutes during a race weekend...or spend $500 and get six hours of track time at the school.

I still have lots to learn and I could really use that kind of seat time, especially now that I kinda have a clue as to some of the things I need to work on. :unsure:
...I have way more spins completed than actually needed for my full license...

I know Frenchy did this the year I took school. He had been racing a year and took a second school. I think he got an "exemption" from the chief steward. If you still have your novice license you might not even need that. I'm thinking if you have $500 and the desire to attend they'd be wrong to say no.

There is a slight risk, if you crash as school you might have some splaining to do...

Maybe not the correct place to ask this but...is it possible/allowed for a driver to attend an SCCA drivers school after already completing their school requirements?
I did that my second year for the same reasons you listed and highly recommend it. Check with the event chair or chief steward. They probably wouldn't let you if they're full, but will welcome you with open arms if they're not.
Marty is correct.

If it is not an over-subscribed school, you (and your money) will be welcome.

Ryan...you do not need more schooling. If it is track time you seek...for sure... but remember that you may have a bunch of rank novices to avoid on the track.
I thought you'd like that. You know, another option is the Nelson fun days they run on Fridays. That would be more track time than you can use and cheap.
Jim: Did you post on X-mas day? I thought the site was shutdown on national holidays.

Ryan: We should just have a Compound Day the Friday before the MVR event. This way you can use all that kanowledge for the race weekend. In know I'll need it to allow my kahonas to grow before I turn the wheel in competition. Just don't bend it up on Friday. You may not get the traction you need to straighten your whip in the paddock at NL like at MO.
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Maybe not the correct place to ask this but...is it possible/allowed for a driver to attend an SCCA drivers school after already completing their school requirements?

I completed my school requirements last year at the NL double school and raced all season on my novice permit. I have way more races completed than actually needed for my full license but I'd like to attend the NL double school again in '10.

I could spend $350 and get maybe 45 minutes during a race weekend...or spend $500 and get six hours of track time at the school.

I still have lots to learn and I could really use that kind of seat time, especially now that I kinda have a clue as to some of the things I need to work on. :unsure:

Maybe I could even be your driver school instructor. You would make my job easy. :D
Honda drivers stick together. :eclipsee_steering:
i did a driver's school at waterford after a few years off and enjoyed the course.

it was good track time and great folks.