MiDiv 2010 Racing Calendar

Gary L

New member
Wow! Here's an abridged version of the (somewhat ambitious, IMHO) 2010 schedule, just posted on the official MiDiv website. Even if you ignore the Memphis and Hastings weekends, this is a lot of racing. I have to wonder how well attended many of these races will be.

Mar 13/14 - Memphis - Reg/Nat/IT (Tentative)
Mar 27/28 - St Louis - Reg/Nat/IT
Apr 10/11 - Hallett - Reg/Nat/IT
Apr 17/18 - Omaha - Sch/Reg/Reg
May 1/2 - Topeka - Reg/Nat/IT
May 15/16 - St Louis - Sch/Sch/Reg/Reg
May 22/23 - Omaha - Reg/Nat/IT
Jun 5/6 - Topeka - Reg/Nat/IT
Jul 3/4 - Hallett - Reg/Nat/IT
Jul 17/18 - Memphis - Reg/Nat/IT (Tentative)
Jul 31/1 - St Louis - Reg/Nat/IT
Aug 14/15 - Omaha - Reg/Nat/IT
Oct 2/3 - Hastings - Reg/Reg (Tentative) Mid-Am triple bonus weekend
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Yeah, another year of too many regions and NO ONE wants to give up any weekends....even if they might be a loser.

Personally, I hope the Hastings weekend works out. Chris would rather race there than Gateway.
At least there's some good news in our case. We moved about 120 miles north at the end of the season last fall, so we're essentially that much closer to most tracks on the schedule, with the exception of Memphis.

And speaking of Memphis, I thought that entire facility was closed; a cursory search of the web didn't reveal anything that would indicate an imminent reopening.
FWIW, Memphis IS closed. Dover Motorsports also owns Nashville and what Memphis personnel they kept, moved to NSS. Dover also changed how they are managing the tracks and are actually having staff travel to more than one track.

Case in point, NSS was unavailable for a race or TT on a preferred weekend. Why? No staff for the track as they would all be at a Nascar race at another Dover owned track.

Not complaining just recognizing the tough times. You eastern Midiv guys come race with us at Nashville, Fathers Day Weekend in 2010. We would love to have you.

Wow, so no more double regional weekends (other than schools)? I guess everyone was losing money on those lately, so no more. Too bad, because I usually enjoyed those more than the national weekends and there tends to be more possiblities for race dates for those.

That does seem like a rather ambitious schedule with all those nationals in a division that's not attracting as many cars or workers to events as of late. I hope it works out for everyone involved, but I don't see myself making more than 3 races this year, unfortunately.
I screwed up, apparently fat-fingering an entry - I've corrected the original post. The Omaha Reg/Nat/IT race in May is on the 22nd/23rd weekend, NOT the 27th/28th.
Another important date that is NOT on the schedule is the Midiv convention to be held in Kansas City on (more or less) Feb 19, 20, 21. Until the official notification comes out, that's the best we know.

We need racers to support this event, turn out, and talk to the divisional volunteers and let them know what you think.

Also remember that the Midiv BOD seat comes up next year for election. In the past, some of the nominees have fractured the vote between workers, solo, and racers. We must not let this happen again. We need, as a division, to elect the best candidate overall and not let the vote get fractured into several pieces with less than optimal results.
I was for 3 races at MAM, until I heard about hasting being on the calendar.......
We will be busy in 2010....I would rather have 2 at MPH & 2@MAM.......
We are all ITB people....WTHell?