Quote Originally Posted by Knestis View Post
Hey, Simon - it is good to have you back in the mix...

I don't know all of the specific details of how an E is different than ITS version of the e30 but yes - you can update to run the faster class. HOWEVER, you've got to end up with exactly the same specs - every single part - as would have been on the car had you started with the "i" or whatever.

And the e30 325 is more competitive in its class in A than it will ever be in S. Ever. I'd seriously recommend going the ITA route if you decide you have to build...

...but saving your dough and buying an already prepared car is still going to be more affordable, if you compare apples to apples in terms of level of preparation.

Hey! Good to see you're still here!

I do think I will stay with going the A route.

I also know it's cheaper to buy an already built car, but I have been so fed up with the crap it for some reason takes to sell a car these days I am going to suck it up and work with what I have, which is a decent platform I think, it has a very straight chassis and a very strong motor. It's mainly the cage which is my main concern.

I just want to get on track, then worry about going fast.