Quote Originally Posted by MMiskoe View Post
Does this mean that we can bring micro film or online versions of our factory shop manuals too? Or do those still have to be on paper because what is good for goose isn't so good for the gander?...
Actually, most of the categories/classes where FSMs are required now state that non-print versions are acceptable. (If we've missed some, let us know - after the 2010 GCR becomes available.)

It isn't rock paper sissors, nothing beats paper when you are trying to reference something.
I strongly disagree with that statement. Stewards (of which I am one) probably make more use of the GCR than anyone. Many of us stopped bringing the printed version to the track a long time ago because it is much easier to search the PDF than it is to hunt through the printed book when trying to locate something that isn't referenced frequently.
