Quote Originally Posted by IPRESS View Post
I would think that the minutes of the CRB meetings are in FT. That is the equivalent of the SB, RRB, & RCB. None of the other advisory boards have their minutes in FT.

Really folks, the idea that the CRB is "out to get" or "is on a power play" about IT is totally wrong.
As far as the people serving on that board, the ones I know at least, they think IT is great.
There are several vocal folks on this site and the rrax site that have a lot of "emotional ownership" of "The Process". Some of them have taken the CRBs reluctence to "rubber stamp" exactly what the ITAC suggested, as a sign that CRB members are power crazy or want to treat IT as inferior. The exact opposite is true. From what I gather their thinking runs along the lines of "lets not screw up" one of the best areas of club racing. Lets be very conservitive in using "The Process" as things in IT are probably better than in most other race classes. As far as any of the advisory boards go they are just that advisory nothing more nothing less. I am pretty sure that the CRB doesn't "rubber stamp" issues from other A boards anymore than with the ITAC.
The heated debate which may or may not have gotten out of hand finally influenced the CRB to say "hold on lets get everybody away from the ledge and let emotions and hurt feelings cool off." (At least it looks like that to me.)
All this gnashing of teeth and accusations in both directions the past few months have skewed what this is all about.
I may be wrong, but what I see it being about... is Fun... Fair... Racing.
It is not about a tool. It is not about "lead trophies". It is not about political positioning and power (as much as some might want to think). It is just about FFR.
As one of those vocal folks, Mac, I could get persnickety about the simple factual/historical errors of this, and highlight places where your interpretations aren't very well supported, but I'll leave it simply at, "you might think about talking with a few more people."

I worry that right now, you (that's the global "you;" not just you, Mac) can't count on what you hear from any one CRB member as being the "official" position of the CRB - or that others will hear the same thing from other members, or the same thing from that member at different times.