Quote Originally Posted by benspeed View Post
I have been bamboozled! But at least I didn't lose any money (other than travel). Rerouted my flight from San Diego to Pittsburgh instead of Newark. Got to Pittbsburgh to pickup the RV - the dude can't produce the title. This is after I have asked him no fewer than two or three times - you have the title in your hand? Each time he confirmed he did. Then he says he's got it in the house somewhere.....and this guy is a friggin doctor - doctor space cadet! Then he said just take it for $2k.....but this just smells like dogshit now and I want nothing to do with this deal.

I was like give me my deposit back and "drive me back to the airport shithead". Got my deposit back in cash and he drove me back to the airport. Half tempted to call the Pitt police and give them the vin. Lost about $400 in cab fare to his house, getting a room for the night at the airport and having to buy a ticket home. Chock this up to learning experience - in the future make sellers fax you a copy of the title in advance.

Damn shame because it was a sweet RV! I must continue shopping but now it'll only be close to home. No strippers - DAMN!

That sucks. Ben. I'm sure your title laws in NJ are alot tougher than here in VT(where if the vehicle is older that 15 yrs, no title necessary.

I was hoping that you would be there at impound(if I ever made it there) with the strippers to take the heat off any inspections!...LOL If you want to buy it for $2000, sell it to me, I'll register it in VT(then you will get a title) and I'll sell it back to you.....Can't believe that's legal...but it is....LOL.