12 Hour Enduro at NJMP June 19th 2010


New member
NJMP along with the South Jersey region SCCA are planning to host a 12 hour endurance race June 19th 2010 on Thunderbolt. There are planning on making this a family friendly event with a carnival/live music/beer tent etc while the race is going on. Also there is talk of a Pro Event (think nascar related) for Sunday. This is going to be awesome!! Stay tuned for more info....
Very cool.

One request: Please, please, PLEASE have a sensible drop-dead date for cancellation. It's not fun to think that something like this - particularly a debut event - won't happen but we have GOT to have a several weeks of notice if it's not going to fly, for whatever reason.

I ate an airline ticket on the Rd Atl enduro that didn't happen because of track issues and I'm still PO'd about it, having specifically contacted the region before buying the ticket but after rumors started that construction was behind...

I am just passing along the messege, I am sure there will be some sort of formal announcement coming. I can say that those who I have spoken to who are in the meetings on this say that the track is going to make a real effort to make this an "event". Not just a race.....
what about the Summit Point 12 hour? That's usually around then, isn't it?
Ehhhh.....not in '10. Our region's BoD decided to pull the plug on the event. That's pretty much all I can say about it for right now, but am sure that the NJMP event will be a more than suitable replacement.
Ehhhh.....not in '10. Our region's BoD decided to pull the plug on the event. That's pretty much all I can say about it for right now, but am sure that the NJMP event will be a more than suitable replacement.

Spill the beans Gregg. What is it w/ the SCCA and 'protecting' people that make decisions that impact racers w/o getting input from those racers?
Spill the beans Gregg. What is it w/ the SCCA and 'protecting' people that make decisions that impact racers w/o getting input from those racers?

I am sure that the Nelson event will benefit from it as well. I have heard rum ors that it might be a 24hr event this year rather than a 12hr:shrug:
Spill the beans Gregg. What is it w/ the SCCA and 'protecting' people that make decisions that impact racers w/o getting input from those racers?
That's all I can say because I'm still getting all of the details.

Here's an idea for you Bill...try taking what people say at face value for once. And this may surprise you but we do actually consult racers. But since you're NOT a racer and just some internet curmudeon there's really no need to consult you, is there?.:shrug:
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That's all I can say because I'm still getting all of the details.

Here's an idea for you Bill...try taking what people say at face value for once. And this may surprise you but we do actually consult racers. But since you're NOT a racer and just some internet curmudeon there's really no need to consult you, is there?.:shrug:

I guess this doesn't count, does it Gregg?


Notice the MARRS sticker?
Guys please take this elsewhere. The point of this thread is not for an argument over what is already done. Lets try and focus on the 12 hour at NJMP.
As Andrew and Gregg have mentioned above, the Jersey Racing Board planning a 12 hour race at NJMP next June to replace the Summit Point 12 Hour. The DC Region has chosen to end a successful ten year run with the event and our intent is to transplant the event to NJ with little or no change to its structure. The race will be a cooperative effort between the JRB and NJMP. We hope to have an announcement shortly.

I guess this doesn't count, does it Gregg?


Notice the MARRS sticker?
Yeah...it's purty...and clean. Like it's never been on a track before.

Notice the car (or you) on any results sheets?

BTW--I would recommend getting those dirtstockers off the car (and maybe putting some air in the left rear). If you ever see a rain race you might be in trouble.

But back on topic--thanks to the JRB for picking up where our BoD dropped the ball in a down economy and decided that the short-term benefit was more important than the long-term cache it brings to the region. If I'm not driving, I'll be sure to work at the event for you, Terry.
Well Gregg, it's nice to see that you're not much different than some of the people that I've met from the WDCR. Gotta love that DC Region hospitality! Had a great time there when I ran my ITB Rabbit GTI in the MARRS series, but there's really nothing that makes me want to go back.
Well Gregg, it's nice to see that you're not much different than some of the people that I've met from the WDCR. Gotta love that DC Region hospitality! Had a great time there when I ran my ITB Rabbit GTI in the MARRS series, but there's really nothing that makes me want to go back.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Thank you for proving (once again) my point..and Travis's...and Jake's...and...well you get the picture (one would hope). You'll find the folks from the DC (and pretty much every other) region very hospitable when every statement they make isn't second guessed and the person doing the questioning actually isn't so busy chasing black helicopters that he comes off his soapbox and and stop tossing grenades from afar.

Pictures of race cars with weeds growing around them are a dime a dozen. They don't prove much other than someone doesn't need to cut as much grass in the back yard.

BTW, what's you *current* member number, Bill? Mine's 300661.
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Will there be a test day on Friday during the day - either track-run or region run?

I'm not sure yet. Right now, all we have is two hours of practice and qualifying starting at 7:00 PM on Friday. At the current time, the track is trying to schedule a professional race on Sunday which may involve practice time on Friday and/or Saturday morning. If they do have a Friday practice, I am sure that we can include session(s) for 12 Hour competitors. We should have a definitive word by the opening of registration on 1 March.
