Who is going to win?.........


New member
Well, no one is chating about the ARRC around here.

Who is going to win?

Who is going to loose a bet and have to wear a dress?

Who is going to get the most out of shape on Friday night and not make the grid on Sat?


i'll bite. part domination and part darkhorse...........

and only for the classes where i know some of the field as in have raced against or with or have shook hands, shared beers or dodged potatoe cannons with, etc.

ITA: Chuck Baader
IT7: Jake
ITB: Underwood
ITC: Jordan
underwood who?:shrug:

Looks like deuce did it again:happy204:

In fact looks like florida boys kicked some but in IT.

Maybe this little state isnt such a "small pond" after all?

more gloating to come later...:024:
Results are up on MyLaps - congrats to Kip and Dan Jones. I'm going out to the shop to drink beer, install my new splitter and ponder why I didn't go. Shoulda coulda woulda
Results are up on MyLaps - congrats to Kip and Dan Jones. I'm going out to the shop to drink beer, install my new splitter and ponder why I didn't go. Shoulda coulda woulda

Ya think? ;)

Gotta go and get the laps in, get to know that place, before you can worry about keeping up with the likes of Robbie and Kip! :cavallo:
Sharon and I took the track tours on Saturday. Never so happy with a decision! Going under the bridge at 11 for the first time is much more dramatic than the downhill at Lime Rock, or Turn One at Bridgehampton! Would not have wanted to do that in a race car without having seen it in a street car first!

Newest track on my list of tracks I have to drive!
much more dramatic than the downhill at Lime Rock

Really? To me the downhill is more ballsy and when I ran it kept wondering what all the fuss was about. Now turn 1 is quite a challenge at RA.
Dave- got to agree the downhill at Lime Rock is way more than the current RA... I didn't get the fuss either when we went down. Great track though all around one of my favorite. Better than Mid Ohio and almost as fun ad Lime Rock IMO.

Dave- got to agree the downhill at Lime Rock is way more than the current RA...
You two chain-smoking the funny cigs? Except for the home boys who have this weird obsession with LRP, you'll find very few drivers with experience around this country that would choose that track - or any of its components - over Road Atlanta. Yup, it was a better track before Panoz changed it - he'll have to answer to the Good Lord someday for that - but LRP will always be this little rinky-dink track that would never be accepted as more than an HPDE track were it built today, surviving simply because it's close to NYC and has been around a long time...

Get out to more tracks, kids. Take some time to get away from home more often. Try something new once in a while.
I never said I like LRP more than RA. I simply said that turn is NOT scarey to me in my B car. Heck, if one's doing it right they're not fully at the left going down the hill to save real estate.

Hey Greg, I did make it down to Summit this year and LOVED the Labor Day event as well as the track. I'd be happy to add a "Sponsor Now" button if you'd like to help me get to more tracks. :)
I never said I like LRP more than RA. I simply said that turn is NOT scarey to me in my B car.
That's 'cause you're not looking in the right places or you have no imagination ;). Try glancing to your left at that wall as you're going by. Even better, hang out at the S/F stand and watch a Spec Miata race.

Heck, if one's doing it right they're not fully at the left going down the hill to save real estate.
Uh, 'fale'. You're not going fast if you do that.

I'd be happy to add a "Sponsor Now" button if you'd like to help me get to more tracks. :)
Buy quality hubs so you're not wrecking so often and you could probably cover a season of driving enduros in Pablo...:happy204:
Really? To me the downhill is more ballsy and when I ran it kept wondering what all the fuss was about. Now turn 1 is quite a challenge at RA.

Well, maybe it's the fact that I first went over the downhill at LRP back in '67 or '68 and I've slept a few since then........

But I will never forget coming thru West Bend at 90 in a 427 Cobra with Mark Donohue and wondering how the car was going to fit under the bridge!!!!!!!!!!!!