Quote Originally Posted by StephenB View Post
Chris... seriously? I think that this may be true for the US and our roundy round culture like Nascar but I bet any F1, ALMS, WRC, ect, ect, ect, ect, drivers have not driven a racecar with a third pedal in a several years! I think paddle shifters have proven to be faster and more reliable in most of those high level racing series.

If you are talking about a normal everyday automatic then we are on the same page, personally I think you loose lots of car control with your regular old fashioned Automatic 3 speed!

I agree that the top foreigners have not seen the clutch pedal in a while, but they probably had to drive machinery with traditional transmission/drivetrain layouts back in their formative years.

No doubt that the more sophisticated systems are way better in terms of performance and reliability. My whole point was that the traditional systems require a bit more driver involvement, that's all.

Call me a purist, but I will always prefer dancing with the pedals. I do accept that SCCA club racing is going to have to include paddle-shifters on a wholesale basis, because in the future, that's all that car manufacturers are going to be making.