Thoughts About ARRC 2009...

Butch Kummer

New member
... based on the anticipated "challenges" we're facing with this year's groupings.

Most of you know I'm not afraid to shake things up a bit if it results in a better experience for everyone involved. To that end - and to keep if from getting lost in the other threads where everyone is beating me up about 2008 - I'd like to solicit opinions on some options. Again, none of this would be in effect for 2008, but I like to plan ahead. :)

As Bowie suggests in the other thread, the Friday afternoon Pro-IT needs to stay for a number of reasons:
(a) it gives people a chance for additional track time
(b) people would be even less inclined to have their championship race on Friday than they would on Sunday
(c) the extra revenue helps us make ends meet

Question #1 - Do y'all care about the "Pro" aspect of Friday's race? Drop the cash payouts and we'd drop the entry fee to $150 like the Sunday Bonus race.

Question #2 - In case that race is oversubscribed, we'd first drop those not registered for any other races that weekend (encourages double-dipping). If still oversubscribed, drop "locals" first (reduces the home court advantage). If STILL oversubscribed, go with our current oversubscription procedures. Agree or Disagree?

I'm inclined to NOT run a Championship race on Sunday because most folks (except those running the Enduro) want it as a travel day. The best answer I can come up with right now is to have nine races on Saturday.

Question #3 - If it allows us to have nine races on Saturday, would you be willing to chop laps off of YOUR Championship race? i.e. - we're currently running 20 laps, would you be willing to run 17 (or go to a timed race - I just thought of that while editing my post) instead if it helped make the run groups more homogenous? And yes, the extra (fifth) run group would be for the IT/SM world, NOT among us real race cars. :rolleyes:

No decisions will be made until after November, so you can certainly talk to me at the track about either of these ideas if you'd rather not post here. I just want to get a feel for what y'all are willing to accept.

See ya...
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Hi Butch,

Good idea to go ahead and start getting input on and ideas for the 09 event. I'm still a relatively new IT racer. I've run the ARRC weekend every year since I got my license (2006, 2007, and will be there this year with my new Conover Motor Sports built car).

Keep the Pro-IT. Extra seat-time for those making a loooong drive, it's a no-brainer. I'd be fine with dropping the "Pro" part of it if it would get the entry fee down to $150ish. Over-subscription sounds like it can be handled fairly.

I'd also agree with the attempt to keep all the IT Championship races on Saturday... an idea, what about bumping the ASM/SSM/SM-whatever race to Sunday? That would sort out any issues with those folks wanting to "double dip", yes?

Assuming the SM races didn't go to Sunday, I would be ok dropping a couple laps from my "feature" race if it would mean getting a run group without SM in it.

being a noob to the arrc, i would like the seat time of the PRO-IT and dropping the Pro part to keep the costs down in light of the fuel costs and make it more about seat time sounds good to me.

if more at stake than a $5 trophy, then folks might start thinking/driving differently. i know it has occurred to me during a race what the contingency is if i move up just one more spot....

just my feed back but if the local pro-it is part of the incremental income that makes the event profitable, do what you have to do.
I'd be more inclined to run the Friday race if you'd drop the "Pro" - seen too many cars not make it to their Sat race 'cause someone wanted a few more bucks! Though it still worries me to run such a "non"-event race before the "real" ARRC race. No issues with the drop policy...

I would definitely give up a couple of laps for the privilege of running a Miata-free group!!!
I would definitely give up a couple of laps for the privilege of running a Miata-free group!!!

Come on, Vaughn. If those 924 fenders are like the fenders on my 944, they are made of armor plate, just the thing for pushing those little beatles around!!!!! Just kidding, but I agree that I would rather not run with Wreck Me ... I mean Spec Miatas.
We're talking to the 944 Cup guys about allowing them to run in that group using their rules. As long as their cars meet SCCA safety specs (which they do), we can create an Atlanta Region class that will allow them to race using their current prep rules (which are not allowed in ITR/ITS). We'd also ask the Chief Steward for a split start. We still have some details to work out, but "ITP(orsche)" seems to be the logical class designation.
Darn - I picked a lousy year to bail, I coulda come down and run ITP too! LOL

Stickering that up from an ITB car sure would be easy... ;)
Pro Paddock?

Will both paddocks be used (outside "club" and inside "pro")? If yes, have they determined which groups will be in each section?

There's a map on the ARRC website and the preliminary Schedule gives you the classes in each group, but essentially all the IT cars and various iterations of Spec Miata will operate out of the Club Paddock (Groups 1-4, 9 (Pro-IT) and 11 (Enduro)) while the formula cars, and Big Noise cars (Groups 5-8 and 10) will use the Infield Paddock. If you choose to paddock on the other side from where you're class operates (Grid and Impound included), you'll have to get to the correct side to enter the track (we will NOT be using both pit roads simulaneously).
IIRC, registration has been through DLBracing in the past... just looked and nothing there though.