Quote Originally Posted by trhoppe View Post
hey, I used the word "might".

Plus, I will not necessarily be the fastest ITA car there next weekend. The ITA Meoters *should* be faster then me

I think you've also had a sort of different ITA/ITS experience this year than the norm. As far as I can recall the really fast ITS cars have been mostly absent when you have been running. Steve Parrish was broken at Roebling last time, Steve E wasn't running, Jeff Young was broken, Ira was MIA, Flynn MIA, Williams MIA, Spillman MIA, and Perry was chasing evil handling all weekend/year.

I think if the top end ITS drivers/cars are all present and accounted for they won't be holding the A race up. I know Roebling is friendly to momentum cars but those upper echelon S cars are fast there too.