Wet but drying track. Top 5 chose everything from Dries to intermediates, to full wets. I went 'safe' and grabbed some R888's of of one of our rental cars. When Shane and Jeff rolled up on dries, I had wished I had joined them.

Shane and I gapped the field pretty quickly and we ran nose to tail the ENTIRE race. I think I led 30 or teh 32 laps - just not the last one! He got by me a couple times but was help up in traffic in the downhill and I got back by each time. When it was my turn to get held up, he made a great pass while taking the 1 to go board. No chance for me to get him back.

Shane deserved the win as he was faster than me in a few critical spots and drove a great race. 32 laps of his car velcro'd to mine. As a pair, we lapped the entire run group.

We have the car really hooked as is evidence by the Q time. Wished I had a chance to reset the track record again...