
I'd buy all that, if the PCA clause wasn't in the ITCS. The CRB has already shown that they were willing to use the most extreme (and most un-tested) method allowed, to 'fix' the E36 BMW, they threw an SIR at it (two, actually). So, you've already got something in place to address an issue where the process falls short, and the CRB have demonstrated that they're not afraid to use it.

My take on what has 'spooked' the CRB, is that they realized how rapidly they were losing the power to do whatever they wanted to do w/ IT. Not to mention, if they were going to do something, under the proposed system, they would have had to justify it and back it up. If you guys were able to codify the process, that's what they would have had to use. No more setting weights because 1 or 2 guys think that they can make xxx hp, or the car just 'looks fast'. After all, they're the CRB, and they don't want those kinds of constraints on them. The CRB have also shown that they have no problem w/ taking a 'wait and see' approach after a change has been implemented. How many times have you read 'we are continuing to monitor its performance' in FasTrack? And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. You need some period of post-change evidence gathering to determine the effect of the change.

My take, the CRB felt that you guys (ITAC) were getting 'too big for your britches', and decided to shut things down before it was too late, and they lost their power to lord over IT. It has nothing to do w/ 'stability' or 'competitive landscape'. And anybody that's willing to accept random, arbitrary, and inconsistent classifications, in the interest of preserving 'stabilty' or the 'competitive landscape' has no business being in any kind of policy-impacting or setting position. Not unlike the quote from Ben Franklin, "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security, deserve neither, and will ultimately lose both."

But as I said, I think they're (CR trotting that out to hide the real reasons and agenda behind their actions.