PRO-IT and Pro-SM split start is the best suggestion so far. I love running with a lot of the SM cars, but the mix doesn't work well. We mess their race up and they mess up our body pannels!!! lol It is true though the classes don't mix very well.

The Pro-SM name will bring in more entries, and the split start will give both IT classes and the SM class more individual attention...

I also vote for less races at NJMP... I have to ask (Not trying to be rude but...) is the series priority interest in making NJMP races successful or is it a priority to help all regions and all races across the northeast?

Summit would be cool (and that is a Team DI location isn't it?) and VIR would be cool. Nelson Ledges and Beaver Run would also probably enjoy a visit from Erin and the rest of us!

I probably wouldn't be able to make the commute however if it does go to Mid Ohio it would have to be during the IT fest weekend...
