Quote Originally Posted by pballance View Post
THIS bothers me, not a little but a LOT. I have stayed quiet in this thread and some of the others because I have FAITH in the ITAC to do the right thing for the GOOD of the class and the competition. The only way that they can represent MY views is by asking ME what I think and doing so in a public manner. Other posters have represented views similar to myh own so I felt no need to contribute at this time.

The CRB should be as open and receptive to member input as the ITAC has been.

I have read elsewhere that there may be other issues that we are not aware and I hope those issues are resolved without the ITAC losing it's credibility with the racers in IT.

Kirk, THANK YOU for your service, THANK YOU for standing on your principals, and THANK YOU for being willing to OPENLY share with those who race alongside of you.

TO THE CRB: (since we know you lurk here) You had better start listening to those you serve, we the lowly IT racers, we are active, we will continue to support the ITAC. IF you want to see drivers leave to race with another sanctioning body, continue to act in a manner that supports the Secret Car Club of America.

Paul Ballance
and so you don't have to look for it member# 349066
Pissing in the wind Paul. When was the last time you voted for a CRB member? Go to the club bylaws and see how the game is played. I hope I am wrong what is about to happen with IT.