Quote Originally Posted by tnord View Post
even the oddball guy that does take a flyer on some ITX crapwagon even though he thinks it can't be competitive at its current weight will be left out to pasture. unless he throws a full $20k (approx full build cost for an oddball) at a car, gets dyno data, develops some more, gets more dyno data, and lobbies and lobbies......his car still won't have a shot in hell at an adjustment. we'll all just shout that the car isn't developed enough, a single example isn't enough to adjust for, etc etc.

that guy is left up shit creek without a paddle, and so is the car. nobody else in their right mind would build another one after that, and the adventurous oddball trailblazer is left with $20k invested in a car he can sell for maybe 5k. the car is dead, and this guy probably doesn't look very fondly on SCCA anymore.
He should be "left up shit creek without a paddle"! It was his/her risk to take and his/her decision to make. not mine, not yours not the CRB , not the ITAC. It's His/her mistake and it's up to him/her to take ownership and responsibility for their decision. The rulebook and the weights are all their for them to see, and once (or if) the "process" is published then we all are to blame for the car WE choose to build and race.

Since non of us are argueing any of this to help ourselves We all need to stop feeling sorry for those that make poor decisions. Lets seal this deal make the process final and then make our own decisions on what to run and then race and have fun!
