I'm to the point where I'm so content in the IT ruleset we currently have and my belief that the ITAC has the collective IT community's best interests at heart, that I don't even go into the Rules & Reg's portion of this site anymore. Just the same old people screaming about the same old stuff. But whatever, I can very easily not click on the threads.

When I announced that I was going to be building and racing an FP car last spring, I got a whole lot of "Hey man, you know about those Prod guys, right? They're not very welcoming, hate n00bs, and all they do is constantly bitch about their class and its rules!" Oh really? Well I hate to inform you guys that so far this season, I've seen a lot more whinning and bitching about the class and its rules from the IT guys than I have from the Prod guys. And, by far the most mean spirited, behind the back, cowardly shit I've seen/heard from racers this year towards other racers has also come from the IT crowd, not Prod. Can't wait for the Runoffs next week.