Quote Originally Posted by Bill Miller View Post
Why should those that are serious about their programs have to pick a different category if they'd really like to measure themselves against the best in their class?

To tell them (IT racers) that if they want to really measure themselves against the cream of the crop, that they need to go elsewhere, is in my mind, truly selfish and me-centric.
When we won the regional championship in ITA in 2003, we went to the ARRC, and qualified something like 5/6th? and had an on track accident that ended our day early. Even without the accident we weren't going to win. We know that, our car wasn't prepped enough, and never being on the track had it's role as well. no ego bruised, no biggie, try again next year (or when new car gets done .

The point that you made that that we need another championship to measure if your the cream of the crop. I believe is somewhat redudent. I think that your argument holds a bit of weight for the fact that the ARRC is tailored for the east coast, and for people on the west coast, it is not as fessible of an event to attend due to the increased travel.

Nationals have June Sprints and the Run Offs

ItT has ITfest, and the ARRC.