I understand the "here it is in black and white" good side of the process idea. It is nice to be able to just point at the rule book and say "There it is your car is classed in ITZ @ 4,000 lbs. after it was run through the process. See ya go have fun."
Very clean system. The problem is (and this is gathered from very second hand info, so feel free to dispute) the process is starting with some educated guesses. As long as you guys have worked on this I am sure that they are good ones. But there are times these guesses will not be right and will impact the results. Why I don't know. So in my opinion "track performance" has to be a part of the equation even if it is a distasteful part. How do you figure out how to use it? When do you know it is accurate? Those are tough questions to deal with. Maybe when you find out either way (most of brand X cars are dogs in a class or most of brand X cars are front runners) you apply an adjustment during rules season. IT is not so big that information on a "hot" or "dog" car can't be found.
I know that this view is not what you guys think is good, but adding the process to a "track performance" review is about as good as we can do. IMHO.