Another viewpoint on the theory of IT as cashcow for regions. Here in CenDiv that is certainly not the case. IT entries have been reletively sparse for the past few years. Competition level is occasionally high in a given class. ITB was pretty sharp for a few years, ITS has a solid consistent front runner that is relatively competitive at the 'big events', but there are rarely if ever double digit entries in any IT class, and usually less than 5. ITA fares the best with double dipping Miatas, but with SSM in the same group most of them just run that class.

I have not raced this year to date. If I had, I would have been the 2nd or 3rd ITB car on track each time. If I were to go enter the Nationals in HP, I would have been in a 7-15 car field every time.

Now I am the tinkering type that really likes to design a better solution, and I LIKE the prod rule set, even for the Level 1 aka full prep cars. I also like designing a better solution within a set of constraints, like we do in IT. I REALLY like racing IT at the 'big events', and had lots of fun fighting it out on track with Aaron for a few years, but with the greater contingencies and entries available in Production I think more an more about going that direction once I meet my goals in IT. I'll take it one year at a time, and hope that things change, but just wanted to illustrate that IT is not carrying club racing everywhere. Heck in CenDiv if anything carries club racing, it is SRF national stuff.