Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
Here's something to chew on: is there any reason to have any kind of series at all? I mean, fer krist's sake, this ain't no pro football here...I'd like to think we're all in it for the activity itself (the racing) not to pretend we're some kinda pro players...we're decisively not...

If you like that kinda stuff, then leave the "series championships" to Pro-IT and go pretend in that arena if you want. Don't try to bring in sponsorship, and money, and things like that; you'll just ruin the amateur racing (there are plenty of places to go play in if you want that). I'm personally in it for the individual weekend activities (racing, time with friends, playing with cars) and I don't give two shakes about any season "championships"... sorry if I sound rude, but I just see this whole series thing within amateur racing as posing (trust me, Roger ain't out there watching to see who wins). But I admit my viewpoint is dramatically skewed...

Says the man who has "NARRC Champion" in his signature!! LOL