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Thread: 2010 NARRC Series Feedback

  1. #21


    This is the way the 09 season should have looked. October LRP should just be a single, and get rid of all the bonus points. Top 6 races count for points. Just think how close the points would be in each class. the Tight points battle would make the series more fun, and ultimately increase car counts. 11 events total

    18-Apr NHMS Single
    9-May POCONO Double
    10-May POCONO
    20-Jun LRP One Day
    7/18&19 NJMP Lightning
    25-Jul WGIGlen Double
    26-Jul WGIGlen
    8/22&23 NJMP Thunderbolt
    12-Sep NHMS NERDouble
    13-Sep NHMS
    10/2&3 LRP single

    On a side note we still need to do something about hardship practices. they should only be available for those that need it.

    and also I wonder why we need 5 minutes after the checkers at the grid. 3 minutes seems like more then enough time. and it is so damn hot some days. plus we pick up another 16-18 minutes.
    Last edited by kevin22; 09-03-2009 at 08:37 PM.

  2. #22
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by dpc View Post
    Could the Regions stand on their own without any series ?????? dave
    yes NER could
    Jeremy Billiel

  3. #23
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    raymond NH


    Read the rule book aka GCR section 6.2.2.a then get the 18 minutes somewhere else.

    Just sayin,Dan

  4. #24
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    cromwell ct


    Quote Originally Posted by ed325its View Post
    In the 20+ years I have been around NARRC I would suggest quite a few.
    In the face of a significant recession? That's why we are where we are. And it's great that there are drivers who've and who do participate with high event counts, but where are they all now? And what will it take to get them back. Isn't that the crux of this thread?

    And to Daves point. That's exactly what the regions are using the NARRC designation for. Because they wouldn't be solvent without the car counts or they would lose significant revenue on a per event basis. This weekend past Brian M jokingly stated that this was the last NARRC season, and while it was obvious he was joking, it does suggest a bit of truth at least among some of the IT crowd. This personally will be my last NARRC season, I feel that there are more tracks to see and more experiences to be had than the NARRC is currently offering.

    Last edited by Doc Bro; 09-03-2009 at 09:46 PM. Reason: spelling
    Rob Breault
    BMW 328is #36
    2008 Driving Impressions Pro-ITA Champion
    2008 NARRC DP Champion
    2009 NARRC ITR Champion
    2009 Team DI Pro-ITR Champion

  5. #25
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    I hope to have an e-mail with a complete revamp idea to energize and transform the series. Basically in short I would love to follow a national style format with points similar to the national divisions to qualify you for our own NARRC Runnoffs similar to the national runnoffs only for the Norh Atlantic Regional Racing series. Bring back the NARRC Runnoffs in full force and make it what it was back in the late 80's. We have grown so far away from that and made it a year long championship series that most championships are decided long before the end. Almost every profesional sports Series (Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Olympics, Nascar, even SCCA National Series) uses a format that allows you to spend the "regular Season" to prove your stuff to qualify for the big show at the end... then you have to bring your A-game to the big event and show everyone you are the top guy/gal! Nascar and SCCA National Racing are the only 2 autoracing series that I can think if that do this and I think they are on the right track for keeping interest and excitement all the way to the very end.

    I'll get something to you shortly... when do you need the feedback by?

  6. #26
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    I like the total revamp idea - but remember one think in your sports analogy...most of your Pro Sports analogies have a playoff system and not a 'one and done' except football.

    I think the double points at the Runoffs bridges the two concepts. It weights the RO's heavily but you don't NEED to win it to be the champ.
    Andy Bettencourt
    New England Region 188967

  7. #27
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    Oct 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy Billiel View Post
    yes NER could
    Do you realize 6 of the 10 NERRC events are also NARRC events? It also appears that the two NON NARRC doubles are the two lowest attended events of the season. Did you know the Lime Rock single (NARRC) outperformed the RAL single (non NARRC) by 50+ entires (based on electronic pre-reg on Not saying that NER couldn't survive because we know it could but I don't think we have a good grip on the infuence of a NARRC event. The short season format of ProIt is proving popular!

    There is no doubt that the NARRC series needs a revamp. Hell, I think it should be run by an independent committee that runs a single event at each track (NHMS, LRP, WGI, POC, Thunderbolt, Lightning), gives out event winner stickers and killer year-end trophies...but that may be too extreme.
    Last edited by Andy Bettencourt; 09-03-2009 at 11:54 PM.
    Andy Bettencourt
    New England Region 188967

  8. #28
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    New Gloucester, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Bro View Post
    In the face of a significant recession?
    That is not the definition of unprecedented. You can't qualify your statement after the fact.
    Ed Tisdale
    #22 ITR '95 325is (For Sale, $15,000 with spares)
    #22 ITS '95 325is (Converted to ITR)
    #22 ITS '87 325is (Sold)
    #5 ITB '84 318i (RIP)
    Racing BMW's since 1984

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy Billiel View Post
    yes NER could
    Lets look at the last race for NER at NHMS.

    Group1 9 classes total. ITA,ITr, ITb, etc 19 cars
    group2 Formula cars 13 classes 8 cars
    Group 3 T1, GT1, etc 10 classes 12 cars
    Group 4 SM 1 class 25 cars
    Group 5 SRF 3 clases 4 cars
    group 6 combined
    Group 7 SSM 6 claasses 16 cars
    Group 8 FV 3 classes 8 cars

    Seems like this weekend was a waste, Not sure where all the SRF cars were, but I am sure this race never stood a chance. 1 week after a NARRC race & 2 weeks before another NER racee at the same track.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
    Do you realize 6 of the 10 NERRC events are also NARRC events? It also appears that the two NON NARRC doubles are the two lowest attended events of the season. Did you know the Lime Rock single (NARRC) outperformed the RAL single (non NARRC) by 50+ entires (based on electronic pre-reg on Not saying that NER couldn't survive because we know it could but I don't think we have a good grip on the infuence of a NARRC event. The short season format of ProIt is proving popular!

    There is no doubt that the NARRC series needs a revamp. Hell, I think it should be run by an independent committee that runs a single event at each track (NHMS, LRP, WGI, POC, Thunderbolt, Lightning), gives out event winner stickers and killer year-end trophies...but that may be too extreme.
    I hear you, but as a result of the lower operating costs at NHMS NER's breakeve point is lower than other tracks. So while NER could survive and change it up to keep the car counts coming, I also acknowledge that the last races have been poorly attended.
    Jeremy Billiel

  11. #31
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    Sep 2001


    Jeremy is right, NER has a good core or drivers and could easily run its own series without Narrc. Last week’s event has been our weakest for years mainly because of the date in my opinion. We have been trying to move the date and it looks like next year we will be able to move it a little.
    I believe even with last weekend being as weak as it was the region will break even. NER is pretty efficient and has an advantage with cost being spread out over many events.
    Actually I need to correct myself, RAL is our weakest Regional event. The NHMS national is actually or weakest weekend.
    dick patullo
    ner scca IT7 Rx7

  12. #32
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    Colchester, CT, USA


    How about looking at it from the total opposite approach. EVERY race has NARRC points and only top 8 count? I do think there should be some sort of reward for racing at other tracks. You don't want someone to win the series just becasue he can kick ass at only one track.

    I don't know if this is a good idea or not. All the suggestions I've heard have merit. Smarter people than I can hopefully figure it out. Truthfully? I don't think there is a silver bullet for this problem.
    Jeff L

    ITA Miata

    2010 NARRC Champion

    2007 NERRC Championship, 2nd place
    2008 NARRC Championship, 2nd place
    2009 NARRC Championship, 2nd place

  13. #33
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    Here's something to chew on: is there any reason to have any kind of series at all? I mean, fer krist's sake, this ain't no pro football here...I'd like to think we're all in it for the activity itself (the racing) not to pretend we're some kinda pro players...we're decisively not...

    If you like that kinda stuff, then leave the "series championships" to Pro-IT and go pretend in that arena if you want. Don't try to bring in sponsorship, and money, and things like that; you'll just ruin the amateur racing (there are plenty of places to go play in if you want that). I'm personally in it for the individual weekend activities (racing, time with friends, playing with cars) and I don't give two shakes about any season "championships"... sorry if I sound rude, but I just see this whole series thing within amateur racing as posing (trust me, Roger ain't out there watching to see who wins). But I admit my viewpoint is dramatically skewed...

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
    Here's something to chew on: is there any reason to have any kind of series at all? I mean, fer krist's sake, this ain't no pro football here...I'd like to think we're all in it for the activity itself (the racing) not to pretend we're some kinda pro players...we're decisively not...

    If you like that kinda stuff, then leave the "series championships" to Pro-IT and go pretend in that arena if you want. Don't try to bring in sponsorship, and money, and things like that; you'll just ruin the amateur racing (there are plenty of places to go play in if you want that). I'm personally in it for the individual weekend activities (racing, time with friends, playing with cars) and I don't give two shakes about any season "championships"... sorry if I sound rude, but I just see this whole series thing within amateur racing as posing (trust me, Roger ain't out there watching to see who wins). But I admit my viewpoint is dramatically skewed...

    Says the man who has "NARRC Champion" in his signature!! LOL
    Jeff L

    ITA Miata

    2010 NARRC Champion

    2007 NERRC Championship, 2nd place
    2008 NARRC Championship, 2nd place
    2009 NARRC Championship, 2nd place

  15. #35
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    Greg, it's been my question all along.

    Look at last years NARRC series leaders and see how many aren't even running.
    Racers are picking tracks and events that fit their schedule and offer the best bang for their buck.
    NER like other regions are given dates from the track, that's it, only choice we get is do we want them. Refuse and someone else will get them and we probably won't have them offered to us next year.
    NARRC gave NER's best dates away, I didn't get much choice in picking. Were their too many at NHMS in the past? Before NJ, probably no.
    Now we, NER, have a double points NARRC event and NJ is running a PRO IT race against us!
    Who's crying we need to work together?
    NER South

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLawton View Post
    Says the man who has "NARRC Champion" in his signature!! LOL
    Hey, I said my position was skewed, dood...but so is yours. This is not an attack on my close friend Jeff Lawton, but you've had this tunnel-vision for years now, and - as I have described to you in the past - it's detrimentally affected your enjoyment of racing over the last couple of years. In fact, observing you is one of the factors that has led me to this skewed conclusion...

    This "series thing" makes you do stoopid things. I've actually had guys come up to me before a race and, effectively, ask me to lay down and not win so I won't "affect their championship", as if I were some interloper. My response, of course, is along the line of "sure, no prob, write me a check for the $2k it's costing me to be here, and not only will I lay down, I'll even block your competitor for you." The nasty look I get told me that they simply don't "get" it...

    I can tell you from experience that this whole "championship thing" really skews your perspective, and goes a long way toward reducing your enjoyment of your hobby. I do this for the fun of it, for the enjoyment, and for the individual activity. I would - and do - spend a lot more time and effort to win individual races (IT Fest, ARRC, endurance events) than I would to win any "series championship". I'll take any plaudits you want to toss in my lap that may come my way, but I most certainly won't go out of my way to attain them, knowing what I know vis-a-vis what it does to your pursuit, your hobby, your attitude, your enjoyment. There are plenty of opportunities out there for winning series championships against top-notch competition, results that anyone in the sport should and would be proud of. Notice, of course, that they're expensive; that's the nature of the beast...

    Go for it, Jeffy. And when you finally win one - and you will - come talk to me about how it was so worth it to you in the end.


  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ed325its View Post
    That is not the definition of unprecedented. You can't qualify your statement after the fact.

    OK Ed you win. I sincerely and humbly apologize for describing my level of participation unprecedented.....I hope that makes you happy.

    Rob Breault
    BMW 328is #36
    2008 Driving Impressions Pro-ITA Champion
    2008 NARRC DP Champion
    2009 NARRC ITR Champion
    2009 Team DI Pro-ITR Champion

  18. #38
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    gansevoort ny usa

    Default GA is right

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but alot of people loose sight of why they started in this sport. not to win championships but to have fun and learn about their cars and how to race them....dave

  19. #39
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    Tyler Birden
    #77 ITA
    Acura Integra

  20. #40
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    Rockaway, NJ


    Couple of comments - first - I will absolutely write a summary of each NARRC race I'm at - but I need a "cold German to hand me a blond supermodel" :-)

    Second - Greg? WTF? You not in this for the joy of competition? You get tired of winning? I love racing because of the competition. Otherwise I'd do PDX days... Come on man - that was the goofiest post I've seen from you. Don't care about a championship? - bullcrap.

    I like the idea that every race is a NARRC race but you can only count so many races from so many tracks so that the championship cannot be won racing at NHMS or NJMP alone.
    #33 ITR Porsche 968
    BigSpeed Racing
    2013 ITR Pro IT Champion
    2014 NE Division ITR Champion



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