OVR Double Regional at mid-Ohio 9/5 & 9/6 (PDX 9/4)

With the action this topic is getting - Might just be you and me out there!!!!! :D Looking forward to a great weekend!!! I'll be at the PDX on Friday - stop down and say hi!
I've decided to bring out the ITA Integra. Got it running again today after finding a couple of issues that plagued me all weekend of IT Fest, finally resulting in it dying on the cool down lap after the Sunday afternoon race. I need to test it out and make sure it's running better,and I have no need to run the FP Integra one more time prior to The Runoffs as I thought I would. So yeah, hat in the ring....bitches.

Dad's also going to be driving the ITC '92 Civic. The ITC '85 Civic just came back from the frame shop after its run in with the Turn 1 wall, but won't be ready to hit the track yet this weekend.
"hat in the ring" Kevin? You mean that everyone else is just racing for 2nd place now... :D Good to know you're coming with the ITA car! Should be a perfect weekend for racing if the forcast holds! Glad to see your dad get back out in the C car too!

Spent a few hours last night getting the car closer to ready. Still have more to do, but should have it done by Thursday. My serious lack of motivation is starting to piss me off... Will be leaving for the track Friday at 5:30am for a 7:00am arrival time. (that should be fun!)

Anyone doing the PDX or the Mid-Ohio school?
"hat in the ring" Kevin? You mean that everyone else is just racing for 2nd place now...
Well that depends on if you're actually going to mount up your new tires this time. Then I'll have to work for it.:smilie_pokal: Hell, last year at the October event, I was working my ass off just to keep the freaking SM's behind me. The car seems to be working a lot better now though, but I'll be on my IT Fest rubber. Well, maybe.
Well that depends on if you're actually going to mount up your new tires this time. Then I'll have to work for it.:smilie_pokal: Hell, last year at the October event, I was working my ass off just to keep the freaking SM's behind me. The car seems to be working a lot better now though, but I'll be on my IT Fest rubber. Well, maybe.

Kevin - we'll be with the specular miatas again this time. Maybe they wont take each other out before the green flag falls this time? You should remember last year in October when that happened. They black flagged us all and had to re-position us. What a mess. haha
I might bring the new rubber to the track, but if I do, it won't be mounted prior to arrival... I'll just be happy to make it to the track!

The plan was to finish the car by tonight and get the tires mounted Thursday. Since some jack-hole in a dump truck hit my son's car at a light and took off, I spent the evening repairing his Civic. (Trunk, bumper cover, taillights and a BFH to get everything to 'kinda' line up again) That with other things that are popping up are making this a tight schedule for a Friday morning arrival. (I'm sure I'll make it, just going to need a break or two!)

See you all at the track!
Damn, sorry to hear that Matt.

I'm currently waiting for the UPS guy to show up with a part I need. Once that arrives, I can finish getting the car ready.
I'm as ready as I'm going to be..... The car runs and moves. Still working on the details of getting loaded up and getting to the track, but I'm sure it will all work out! I used to load up the night before and just pull out in the early AM. Since my street car was broken into a few weeks ago in my driveway - I won't be doing that any longer. :(

See you all at the track! Buying the beer tonight so at least I'll have that for the weekend!
I'm as ready as I'm going to be..... The car runs and moves. Still working on the details of getting loaded up and getting to the track, but I'm sure it will all work out! I used to load up the night before and just pull out in the early AM. Since my street car was broken into a few weeks ago in my driveway - I won't be doing that any longer. :(

See you all at the track! Buying the beer tonight so at least I'll have that for the weekend!

Matt- do you have the worst luck or what? Your son getting hit and the guy driving off...and then someone breaks in to your street car....whats next? :o
Same here! Loading up the RV/trailer tonight, should be there around 9am tomorrow.


Working a half day tomorrow. Getting the trailer, loading the car, loading everything else then getting down there Friday evening when registration opens. Set up. Then back to the Hampton Inn for the night...and then the good stuff begins Saturday Morning!!! See ya guys
got a time for Sunday's ITA race????? Doubt I'd make it for Saturdays night festivities.....although great sleeping weather!

Saturday and Sunday mornings schedule should be the same.
We're second group out with spec miata's.
Qualifying should be around 8:20-8:30am
The race should be the first group after lunch (that is if they are running group 1 before lunch)
So thats why they call it the "no schedule-schedule"