Quote Originally Posted by Z3_GoCar View Post
I'd be looking for a reason it'd have a larger gain than normal. Is there a chance that a cam swap was performed?
chance? Sure, because the car wasn't torn down, the only thing we KNOW, is that we don't KNOW what was in the engine.
How about intake manifold swaps? Is that another possibility?
Sure, see above.
Gearing can really help too, see the discussion on the ITB Metro for sale thread, where at one time a factory aftermarket race ratio set was avalible. Maybe the owner felt the car was such an outsider, he took matters into his own hands to equalize it in his own less than kosher way. You need to find out if the single case was an outlier, or the norm.
James, you have a point. But, how are we supposed to do that? None of the racers can! Well, some of the racers are SURE the other guy is cheating, and some of the racers are SURE the cars just classed wrong....

Do you want us to:
1- Assume he's cheating, and ignore it?
2- Assume he's legal, look at the lap times and just add a hundred pounds.

I'm guessing most will choose "3".

So, how do you get the data, and how do you trust it? What can you apply consistently as a method for such data acceptance?

Simple answers are few and far between.........