ITDC Points?


New member
Now that there are some race results, how do the contenders look for this years Improved Touring Driver's Championship?

Rich Walke looks like he had a good weekend at Mid-Ohio, and he has won the Cen-Div series for the past few years, so he should be a strong contender in ITS if he makes it back down to the ARRC this year.

Jeff Underwood looks to be in a good position in ITB if he is racing in a qualfied series.

What else is going on out there?

Anyone trying to do the 'triple' and run all three big races yet?
I have the points calculated through the first two events. I'll try to get them up at this week.


I was not plannng on going to the ARRC this year as money is tight. However, now that I won the IT SPEC*tacular and my Division, I am almost forced to do whatever it takes to win the ITDC!

I spent many hours researching the point standings in the various local series and laying out the various scenarios. It looks like I might be able to pull this off without going to the ARRC. However, as of last night, I reached the decision I am going if needed.

Will you be there this year?
ITDC race recap

Hi everyone,

First of all thanks to Tom Sprecher for being the Administrator for the ITDC the past two years. Tom has decided to step down and so we are looking for a replacement if anyone is interested.


A big thanks to Gregg Baker for providing ISAAC head and neck restraint systems for all the 1st place finishers.

Thanks to GoPro camera's for providing the new HD cameras for the 2nd place finishers.

Thanks to Vesa Silegren & SvTek for providing camera mounts for the 3rd place finishers.

In ITB Jeff Underwood took home 1st place after a solid season.
In ITR Kip Van Sttnburg took home 1st place while dominating everything.

Joe DiMinno came into the weekend with a 5 point lead over Kevin Ruck with Marc Cefalo and Tom Hoppe close behind. Saturday saw Kevin pull a point closer with the bonus of fastest qualfiying lap which meant Joe was going to have to come out strong in the race to secure the title. The completion of the opening lap found the top four drivers nose to tail . After dicing for position for several laps Kevin managed to pull out a lead over Marc and Tom with Joe holding onto a steady 4th place. Tom finally got around Marc but could not catch Kevin who finished 1st overall. Final points standings for the ITDC. Kevin Ruck 1st, Joe DiMinno 2nd and Tom Hoppe 3rd.

Vesa Silegren held a commanding 13 point lead over Fred White with Jinx Jordan a very distant 35 points down. Vesa stretched the lead on Friday by grabbing the bonus point for fastest qualifying lap and looked like a lock to complete his second straight championship. But fate would deal its hand on race day as Vesa was knocked out of the race in a first lap incident. Jinx did all he could by finishing 1st in the race but it was Fred's solid 3rd in ITC that nipped Vesa by two points and snatched the championship.
Fred White 1st, Vesa Silegren 2nd, Jinx Jordan 3rd.

Thanks again to all that participated.

Todd Cholmondeley
Points Keeper ITDC

Thanks to the both of you for all your hard work this year, as well as prior years. I hope that next year will have a more favorable economic atmosphere and more competitors will participate.

Tom, sorry to hear you are stepping down. You will be missed.

Bring on 2010!