I have to agree with Andy here. You need to make the best of a bad situation. By that I mean that this cage is barely safe and is an injury waiting to happen. Way too far away from the main hoop for seat brace and belt mounting. Front down tubes leave you exposed to get your knees crushed. Best you could do if you use this is to run the tubes to the optional firewall mounts in a V shape. One from the top front of the door bars down to firewall and one from the lower door bars forward. This will close up the area and still count as one mounting point per side. Might loop the shoulder bar forward in the main hoop to cut down the distance instead of just a straight tube. Most drivers loop it back for more clearance so you would still be legal. Box the down tubes of the front hoop to the rockers, floor only is not safe. Car looks too nice to have that cage. Might contact a cage builder in your area and see if they would just bend you some front down tubes that go more forward. Sorry if this sounds cruel but I have seen the A pillar driven over toward the tunnel and your legs will never be the same.