Quote Originally Posted by mr. black View Post
As far as I can tell, IT does not allow for these upgrades. Is IT overlooking a potential safety issue? Any opinions?
"Overlooking"? Of course not. This is simply a disallowed modification.

First, you're assuming it's truly a safety issue, versus someone's idea of things that are wanted. But we'll got with that.

Second, you're assuming all "safety-related" issues should be addressed by the sanctioning body, versus leaving the responsibility for ensuring safety to the competitor. Were we to go that route are we going to allow Rabbits to change hubs? 944s to change control arms? E36s to reinforce rear subframes? Who's going to determine what's "safety" and what's "wanted"? Who's going to enforce it? "Warts and all", and all that.

Third, something like this is REAL easy to do in a Spec class: they're all the same cars.

Nope, sorry, but every time someone promotes a modification on the basis of "safety", it's rarely that. If this is truly a safety issue, it is the responsibility of the competitor(s) to educate him/herself to that issue and address it per the rules and manufacturer documentation.