Quote Originally Posted by JeffYoung View Post
Stephen, in some cases, we can't give feedback -- a lot of this stuff gets hotly debated and one ITAC member giving an individual position might not be an accurate picture of what is going on.

I do agree it may be worthwhile to list out items under discussion in some sort of format so you guys know what is on our plate.

I will also tell you I don't really see anyway the ITAC could spend MORE time than it does on these matters. It's volunteers, who give 3-4 hours to a monthly con call plus probably another 10-15 a month on a message board and doing research.
I 100% agree with you. I was on a volenteer board and had to resign... I simply didn't have the time to dedicate and make a positive impact. I could easily go to the meetings but the "extra" work I couldn't commit to. By feedback I mentioned I am implying to do exactly what you are suggesting... just some notes that it was discussed or acknowledged that it needs to be adressed at some point. Meeting minutes are a simple recomendation that I would make to resolve this. Have them posted on SCCA.com I also truelly feel that e-mail should go away and posts (even if locked like the profiles at the PRO-IT website) should be the process for submitting requests. Then the ITAC can simply post a response that says we need more info, or we want more feedback from members, or this will be addressed in the order in which it was recieved. If it is a public posting we as members could see what is on your plate and what is to be discussed next. To make this happen SCCA.com HAS to be the forum that is used to be fair to all SCCA members.

Thanks for defending your position... It shows you care. I am trying to be respectfull as possible to the entire ITAC. Like I said before a TON of great things have happened in the last few years and our classification is fantastic IMHO. I just think our member feedback and request process is still from the 90's