Quote Originally Posted by erlrich View Post

The whole qualifying deal brings up a question though; is that format - Sat morning qual session, Sat afternoon race, with the race results setting the grid for Sun - what you guys use in the NARRC series? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression they were using the MARRS format for the races at NJMP, which uses the best time from both Sat sessions to set the grid for Sun.

Also curious; were guys getting black flagged for bump drafting? I think that may be something to fuss at drivers about after the race, but if I got pulled off track during a race for that I would highly pissed.
In the NARRC, we seldom have a two day single. It's either Sat AM qual, Sat PM race and then Sun AM qual, Sun PM race for a double. We do have a triple that is Sat AM qual, Sat PM race, Sun AM qual race based on fast time and Sun PM race based on finishing position. So because it's a 'triple' and not a double, we use both methods. At the end of the day, I BELIEVE NARRC drivers prefer to race vs. qualify...meaning the format this weekend at NJMP was preferrable. If you are racing, finishing positions are what matter I would think...

Nobody got black flagged for BD but they were calling it in and it was a topic with some drivers.