Quote Originally Posted by TAC View Post
Hi everyone,

109 entries here's how the groups are shaping up

Group 1....ITA, IT7, ITC ...............30
Group 2.....SRF, HP, FP, EP, GTL.....17
Group 3.....ITS, ITB......................19
Group 4.....ITE, GTA, AS, STO........14
Group 5.....ITR, STU......................6
Group 6....SM, SSM......................23

The chief steward and I are watching group 5 closely. Imho we will not absorb ITR and STU into another race group but may move a class(es) back into group 5. One option is moving the production cars . That totals (6) right now. Unless of course there are a bunch of ITR and STU drivers that haven't registered yet....that makes the point moot.


Thanks always for keeping us posted on the latest developments. As for ITR, have you asked Marty (black Porsche 944s) if he's coming back? I don't know how to get in contact with him but I know he was having transmission troubles a couple weeks ago.
And is Ken Martin still planning to come?