There are 361 cars in the ITCS.

There are what, 7 or so shock manufacturers?

And there are how many different "models" from each manufacturer? Let's say 2.

So, 7 * 2 = 14, 14 * 361 = 5054 facts to check. yea, you could probably find a way to whack that down, probably to a manageable level of, oh, say 2000?

Now pricing....gotta call the retailers to get the "street pricing"...., some retailers will sell for more, or less than, that's ....well, forget the math...that's an insane amount of fact checking.

Hey, if we were Speed World Challenge, and we had, oh, 8 cars classed, that might be manageable, but .......

I agree with Kirk, it's a valiant ideal, but it's far from workable.