Tire selection for endurance racing - ITB


New member
We are considering running the 12 hour at Nelson Ledges with an ITB Mustang. What recommendations are out there for tires as we cannot afford to run the race Hoosiers we normally run for an event of this length
What's your competition like? Do you want to win?

When we run enduros in ITB in Pablo, we run Hoosier R6s. That's what it takes to win.
If you're on a budget, try Toyo R888s or Nitto NT-01s. These tires do not have to be shaved and they are designed with endurance racing in mind.

I run the Nittos in sprints and I've gotten 6 weekends out of a set driving a pretty heavy car. Also, some magazine reviews do not seem to suggest that the Hoosier R6 is terribly faster than the Nitto. (And who drives flat out for 12 hours so as to derive the max. benefit from stickier tires???)

My $0.02? Try the Nittos. They are cheaper than the Toyos, offer similar performance, and I doubt you'd be disappointed.
Another couple question to add on to the Nelson 12 Hr ITB race!!...
1.)Does anyone have experience on how long the Hoosiers can last on a golf
2.) Anyone know how long you can go on a tank of gas in a golf in ITB?
3.) And lastly how long on a set of Hawk Blues?

For the Nelson 12 hr my buddy Tim is donating his car (1985 golf)for himself, Raymond and I to drive as long as he/she makes it! Running ITB and I hope more come and join us!

You have to bring the mustang, and Pablo better show up! For the record... our goal is to take a relativly non competitive car and finsih! (Those Audis will just cost to much in tires and brakes!)

Stephen Blethen
ohhh didn't answer your question!
I have no idea how long any of them will last especially at Nelson as I have never been their or done any event longer than 3 hrs! I have run Hoosiers on the front of my Audi brand new not heat cycled properly and they lasted 3hrs at the glen with no problems at all. Could have gone a few more hrs.

Hoosiers....3 hours on the front
the entire race on the back

Stock tank - I think 1.5 hours IIRC - we went 3 hours, but we cheated

1 set of pads for 12 hours
Another couple question to add on to the Nelson 12 Hr ITB race!!...
>>> ...how long the Hoosiers can last on a golf

At least a double stint (3 hours) for the fronts, the whole 12 hours on the rear.

>>> ...how long you can go on a tank of gas in a golf in ITB?

Hour and a half-ish.

>>> ...how long on a set of Hawk Blues?

The whole race.

>>> ...Pablo better show up!

Pablo is not showing for Nelson in '09.

Greg, not to get off subject...

Are you bringing anything up? We need to see how fast fast is! We would love to have some cars in class!

How many laps did you make in 12 hrs with pablo?
Are you bringing anything up?
Negative. We all have differing priorities this year, so Pablo is sitting out the enduro season until VIR...come play in Danville in November, you'll love it...

How many laps did you make in 12 hrs with pablo?
The last (only?) Nelson we did was the 24 in '07, so really can't say...MyLaps says we did 876 in the 24 hours, but that includes a tranny change roughly ~19 hours in (costing 1 hour, 7 minutes)...so, call it as you wish... :shrug:
By the BFR G-Force R1. I have some experience with these tires on my #05 '95 Cobra R. They seem as fast as the Hoosier R6 and the wear is great. They have a fast first heat cycle and then they run steady lap times til they cord.

Two weeks ago I ran my best lap times at Road Atlanta, one after another after another, on BFG R1's that we ran the entire 3 hour ARRC enduro on in Nov 2007 and then every SCCA race I've run since.
A lot of guys use them use them. They still should be shaved in my opinion, not necessarily to sprint race depth (3 or 4/32nds), just a bit to get them to dissipate heat better(5-6/32nds).